
趣祝福 · 范文大全 · 高三课件

【#范文大全# #高三课件(范例十四篇)#】今日小編為大家整理了一篇有關“高三课件”的文章。教案課件是老師教學工作的起始環節,按要求每位老師都應該準備教案課件。學生的反應可以反映教學質量。希望這篇文章能夠為你提供實用的技巧建議,建議你把它保存起來!

高三课件 篇1


1、 突出散文“形散而神不散”的特点,培养学生初步的文学鉴赏能力。

2、 散文阅读教学过程程序化,教给学生阅读散文的方法。






3、 分析特点。




1、 找出联系。



2、 明确主旨。




高三课件 篇2






















课时安排 3课时




















二十六七岁以前 与样林结婚。

二十六七岁 春上死了丈夫。冬初逃出家中,经卫老婆子介绍,到鲁镇做工。

二十七八岁 春上改嫁。年底生阿毛。阿毛一岁。

二十-岁 阿毛两岁。丈夫患伤寒死去。

二十九或三十岁 阿毛三岁。

三十或三十一—岁 四岁的阿毛春上被狼衔去。秋天经卫老婆子介绍,回到鲁镇做工。祭祀时很闲,只烧火。年底柳妈建议她去土地庙捐门槛。

三十—二岁 近秋到土地庙捐门槛。冬季祭祖时节,仍不让她拿酒杯和筷子。

三十二三岁 头发花白,记忆尤其坏。

三十三四岁 可能被赶出鲁四老爷家。


三十五六岁 沦落为乞丐。


三十七八岁 腊月二十四夜里或二十五凌晨离开人世。











































高三课件 篇3

Teaching aims:

1. Develop the students’abilities of listening,speaking and reading

2. Learn the new words and Master some drills

Teaching aids: a tape recorder,some slides for shows,

exercises for Lesson 3,pictures

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Revision

Revise the reading passageCheck the homework

Ask “What’s your full name? What do your parents call you for short?”in pairs

Step 2: Presentation

Remind the students how to address English speaking people.

Write a name on the Bb: David William Lewis

First time: Pleased to meet you, Mr Lewis

Good friend: David / Dave

Repeat with Catherine Mary Jones

First time: Mrs Jones

Good friends: David / Dave

Step 3 : Practice

Point out the full and short forms of names

Practise a small dialogue

Step 4 : Read and act

Ask the question“Where is Sun Huifang from?”before playing the tape

Read the dialogue then work in pairs, Act out the dialogue

Point out some phases

1. How about/What about…? 2 for short

3.Where are you from?=Where do you come from?

4.be short for 5.know a lot about… 6.only a little

Step 5: Ask and answer

Ask and answer the questions in pairs about the picture

What and where are they doing ?

Make sure the students are using the present continuous tense

Step 5: Exercises in class


1.Tuesday is the_____ day of the week.

2.Today is _____ 10th,Teachers'Day._____ Teachers'Day,Mr Wu!

3.In China,the last name is the _____ name.

4. We have fun _________ to the English songs.

Step 6: AssignmentMake a dialogue asking for and giving directions.

Blackboard Design

Lesson Three

the third lesson

David William Lewis 1.How about/What about..?

First time: Mr Lewis 2. Where are you from?

Good Friend: David/ Dave =Where do you come from?

3.be short for 4.know a lot about…

高三课件 篇4

Type of lesson: Reading

Aims: 1.By the end of the class the Ss will be able to know something about travel --- the different purpose of travel; adventure travel and the safety tips on a trip.

2. Scanning to get the general information.

3. Intensive reading to get the detailed information.

Teaching methods: Individual work; pair work; group work;

Teaching Aids: a tape recorder; a computer; a projector

Teaching Procedures:

Ⅰ.Lead –in

Proverb: The world is like a book, if you stay at home instead of traveling, it means that you just stare at one page of a book.

---Saint Augustine


If you are free and have enough money, go for a pleasant trip!


Step 1: Pre-reading

1. Do you like travel? Why or why not?

2. Show Ss some pictures of unusual travel.

What can we call these kinds of travel? Adventure travel.

Step 2.While-reading.

1. Fast reading

Questions: Which of the following are mentioned in the text?

A. hiking B. boating C. rafting D. climbing

Where can we do it?

2. Repeat with the tape on.

True False

1).The usual travel is becoming more and more popular.

2).By hiking you will get close to the nature and take exercise at the same time.

3).It’s better to go hiking alone.

4).The basic equipment you need for hiking is a paddle and a small boat.

5).Whitewater rafting is more adventurous

6).You should always wear a life jacket when hiking.

Key: FTF F T F

3. Difficult points:

1). Many People travel because they want to see other countries and visit places that are famous, interesting or beautiful.

Q: What do they want to see?

What kind of countries and places do they want to see?

So what does “that” refer to?

Put the sentence into Chinese.

2).Instead of spending your vacation on a bus, in a hotel or sitting on the beach, you may want to try hiking.

Q: How do people usually spend their holidays?

How does the writer suggest you spend your holiday?

He didn’t go to the market but stayed at home.

He stayed at home instead of going to the market.

3).Watch out for dangers, such as spiders, snakes or poisonous plants.

Oh,it’s dangerous ! You must watch out for the traffic here.

look out for, take care of , be careful of

4). You should not go rafting unless you know how to swim.

If you don’t know how to swim, can you go rafting?

You should not go rafting if you don’t know how to swim.

4.Read .

the first paragraph

Why do people travel?

To see other countries

To visit famous, interesting or beautiful places

To meet new friends

To try new kinds of food

To experience life in other parts of the world

To get away from cold weather

To have unusual experience or wish to have an adventure

Read the second and third paragraphs and fill in the blanks.

hiking rafting

where In the mountains, in a forest, along a river, in a city On rivers and streams

Basic equipment Good shoes, clothes, backpack map, water, sunscreen, cell phone, hat, etc. Boat, paddle, good clothes, lifejacket

Benefits Get close to nature and take exercise Experience life

Basic tips Attentions 1.don’t hike alone

2.tell someone where you’re going

3.bring water and a good map or a compass

4.wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun

5. bring a cellphone if you have one. 1.You have to be careful not to hit rocks, trees and other dangers.

2. think about your safety and wear good clothes and life jacket.

. 3.learn the basic skills of rafting---how to handle the raft, how to paddle, how to get in and out of the raft

4.don’t raft unless you know how to swim

Step 3.Post-reading

1. Point out what’s wrong with Mary’s travel plan.

It’s summer and rains a lot. Mary is going hiking in order to get away from the hot weather and take exercise at the same time. She decides to travel in forest. She makes a list of the things that she wants to take: 1. a pair of slippers; 2.some food; 3. T-shirts and skirts; 4.Camera; 5. A CD-player; 6. a lot of money.

She thinks hiking alone will be more exciting and interesting, so she sets out without telling anyone.

2. TV programme.

Suppose you are an adventure travel fan, especially enjoys rafting. A reporter from CCTV 5 asks you to give us an introduction about rafting. Now the reporter is interviewing you

Ⅲ. Homework.

Make A project: Make up a travel programme.

1. 目的地;2.时间,日程安排(每天的活动项目);3.费用;4.食宿;

5.注意事项6 .当地风土人情 (文字介绍;图片;地图)

高三课件 篇5

---- Integrating Skills

浙江师范大学外国语学院英本0102 魏绍宏

一、 教学设计思路

新教材的推行,一方面改进了原有教材,提高了教学质量,培养了学生听、说、读、写四方面的综合技能。但同时也给老师提出了挑战,迫切需要转变原有的教学方式,其中最为困惑的便是新增的Integrating Skills的教法。绝大部分老师把这部分内容当作阅读课来上,详尽讲解知识和语言点;有些则是一笔带过。但仔细推敲一下,我们就不难发现这部分内容的设置不是没有理由的。由于中国传统英语教学一直注重读写,忽视听说方面的培养,导致学生只能写,不能说,“哑巴”英语越来越引起了社会各界的关注。英语作为一种交际手段,是集听说读写技能为一体的,所以这就要求在教学过程中,充分体现这四项技能的结合。因此本课时,从Darwin进化论引入,激发学生就人与动物的相似与不同之处发表自己的观点,训练学生口头表达能力;进入课文之后,让学生通过听朗读带找出段落大意,训练听力技巧;之后在阅读课文过程中,通过略读、跳读、查读等手段来促使学生掌握课文内容,并进行深层理解。在此基础上,欣赏和分析从句;最后,让学生通过写作提高笔头能力,把言语能力转化为书面表达能力。

二、 学习任务分析

本文是Integrating Skills,目的就是在阅读过程中同时提高学生在听说读写四项技能。通过一个课时,学生能用自己的语言来表达自己的观点和看法,在听的过程中运用阅读技巧理解和概括上下文的内容。同时在阅读中掌握查读和略读等技巧,在通过书面表达来提高写作能力。

(1) 重点:

a. 训练学生使用查读和略读等技巧来提高获取信息量的能力和阅读效率。

b. 通过欣赏和分析从句,使学生掌握从句的构成特点并能运用于实际表达中。

(2) 难点:

a. 有效自然导入阅读语篇的知识背景,激发学生阅读兴趣。

b. 使学生在听力过程中运用阅读技巧快速获取信息。

三、 学习者分析


四、 教学目标


(1) 通过Darwin生物进化论导入,激发学生说话的欲望,学生在掌握人与动物的区别和联系的同时,拓展思路,利用发散性思维,能够准确用英语表达自己的观点和看法。

(2) 学生将阅读技巧用于听力过程中,提高信息获取的速度,培养概括归纳能力,快速准确地在听的过程中把握文章的大致内容。

(3) 学生在老师的引导和帮助下,了解和使用也技巧,如查读、略读、跳读等。在欣赏和分析从句中,掌握从句规律和特征,运用到写作过程中。

(4) 学生能够有效地和同学合作,共同完成任务和解决问题,培养团队精神和合作精神。

(5) 通过课文知识和老师及同学的补充,学生将意识到人与动物的共性,增强保护生物意识。

五、 教学准备

黑板、录音机、多媒体课件、Senior English for China Student’s Book 1A 、课文配套朗读带

六、 教学过程设计

教学目标 教学内容 教学步骤 教学意图 时间 教学媒体

自然引出话题,吸引学生注意力,激发学生表达欲望 1、 picture,introduction

2、 famous theory of Darwin

3、 What do you know about similarities and differences between human beings and animals? 1、picture guess

2、tell something about evolution theory

3、check and evaluate

students’ answers 创设猜谜游戏自然导入,激发学生表达欲望,活跃课堂气氛;把课后练习提前讲解,有利于增强学生对背景知识的了解,培养发散性思维,为更好地开展下一步教学活动--阅读做准备。



引出课文内容,使学生进入角色 1、 Human beings become more interested in playing with animals. Show pictures about playing with dolphins.

2、 What do you know about dolphins? 1、show pictures

2、let students give their opinions




尝试把阅读技巧skimming运用于听力中,并介绍相关听力技巧,培养归纳和整理能力 1、 Listen to the tape and try to get the main idea of each paragraph.

2、 Introduce the skill” skimming” and some other skills to activate students to use it in listening.

3、 Listen again, then check answer. 1、 play the radio

2、 introduce reading skill “skimming”

3、 play the radio again

4、 check the answer 使学生了解略读及其他葶苈技巧,在听力过程中有意识地运用。通过前后两次听力比较,来感受技巧的效果



尝试运用查读、略读等技巧来快速获取信息,提高学生阅读能力和谋篇能力 1、 Introduce skill-scanning.

2、 Find the reasons why people swim with dolphins.

3、 Think about the rules you must follow when you swimming with dolphins.

4、 Try to find out reasons why swimming with dolphins has become more popular. 1、 introduce scanning

2、 read P1 to find the answer

3、 read P2 to find the answer

4、 read P3 to find the answer 使学生了解运用查读等技巧来掌握每段大意,拎出重点,使内容简明结构更清晰,明白文章的构成方式,有利于运用于自己的写作中。



回忆定语从句和宾语从句,让学生比较例子找出区别,准确运用于练习中 1、 attributive clause in text


2、 object clause in text


3、translate and make sentence 1、show examples in text, by comparing them, make students understand the differences

2、ask students translate and make sentences

3、evaluate and check 欣赏和分析阅读中的从句,唤起学生原有知识结构,学生自己分析和归纳两种句型的特点,在操练中得以巩固,从而建立新的知识结构。



培养学生发散性思维和用英语思考的习惯,学会与他人合作,分享信息,增强合作精神和团队精神。同时,激发学生保护生物意识。 1、 Think about more adventures .

2、 What rules do you think you should follow while playing with them.

3、 What do you think about hunting wild animals for eating or other purposes? 1、 group discussion

2、 reporter of each group present your group’s opinion 通过小组讨论,激发同学间的合作意识;发言来提高口头表达能力;增强保护动物的意识。



锻炼写作能力 Write a composition about playing with animals. Homework 将语言知识转化为书面表达能力

1m 多媒体课件

巩固本课时所学 1、 knowledge points of text

2、 reading skill

3、 listening skill

4、 attributive clause and object clause



1m 多媒体课件

七、 教学流程图

八、 资源及媒体的运用


九、 教学反思

1、 在教学中运用多媒体教学,得以确保英语学习材料的充足,同时节省了大量的板书时间,表格使内容更加直观和清晰,为快节奏、大容量的课堂教学提供了可能性。

2、 根据学生的认知规律和心理特征,使用简单的、学生比较容易接受的术语,利用一些提问技巧逐步引导学生自己找出正确答案。

3、 采用各种方式调动学生的积极性,使其参与到课堂活动中来,发展多方面的技能。

4、 在整个教学活动中,要始终以学生为主,教师作为一个引导者和评价者,帮助学生认识并掌握各种技能和手段,使其在自我发现的过程中掌握技能和知识,养成自我学习和分析的习惯,最终达到听说读写技能共同提高的结果。

高三课件 篇6






























高三课件 篇7

















高三课件 篇8



一、 考点阐释:





三、 试题点拨:



点拨 :此题考查选用句式的能力。原文话题不统一《水浒》,武松、李逵等人物和故事,要选用一个句式,使话题统一。                                        参考答案:《水浒》里的武松、李逵、解珍、解保等打虎、杀虎、猎虎的故事,都是典型的艺术真实,不同于生活的真实。


例句:①新加坡的旅游业在全世界享有盛誉。②新加坡具有良好的旅游的天然条件。③新加坡的旅游部门工作认真、细致。               ④新加坡的旅游业与其他有关部门协调合作得很好。




四、 命题趋势:纵观近年来句式的考查,不难看出,高考语文试题“选用、仿用、变换句式”的命题,呈现出以下趋势:




五、 强化训练:






A、(1)(3 )    B、(2)(4)      C、(1)(4)    D、(2)(3)




A(1)(3)   B(1)(4)     C(2)(3)       D(2)(4)

(1)阳光融化了河水,细雨润泽了山色,(a 柳枝被春风吹绿      b春风染绿了柳枝),造化的神功又一次使人们惊异了。

(2)秋天,树叶黄了,枯了,快要�落了。枯的叶子离开了枝头在风中飞舞着,(a它曾经有过的婆娑身影依然那么动人      b怀着对金秋时节无比眷念的心情离去)假如我是绿叶,我愿意很快地落在地上,尽情地拥抱这养育它的土地。

A、(1)a(2)b    B、(1)a(2)a       C(1)b(2)a         D(1)b(2) b

4、 依次填入下面一段文字中横线处的语句,与上下文衔接最恰当的一项是


A (2)(4)(5)    B(1)(3)(6)         C(1)(4)(5)       D(2)(3)(6)



一个人不喜欢诗,何以文学趣味就低下呢?____。一部好小说或是一部好戏剧都要当做一首诗看。使比别类文学较严谨、较纯粹、较精微。如果对于诗没有兴趣,对于戏剧散文小说等等的佳妙也终不免有些隔    。____,大半在小说和戏剧中只能见到最粗浅的一部分,就是故事。他们读小说和戏剧只见到故事而没有见到它的诗。____。

(1)因为一切诗都要有文学的特质          (2)因为一切纯文学都要有诗的特质          (3)不爱好诗而爱好小说的人们            (4)爱好诗而不爱好小说戏剧的人们          (5)就像看到架上的花而忘记花架         (6)就像看到花架而忘记架上的花

A  (2)(4)(6)    B(1)(4)(5)          C(2)(3)(6)        D(1)(3)(5)

高三课件 篇9


Charles Dickens was the greatest representative of English critical novelist in the 19th century. He wrote 14 novels and many other short stories in his lifetime. His style was realistic and humors .He gave us a vivid picture of life of ordinary people. His works shows sympathy for the poor.


1 When did this story happen?

2 How many people were mentioned?

3What was Ebenezer Scrooge? What kind of this man was?

4Who was Bob Cratchit? What did he want to do?

5 What did the gentlemen want Scrooge to do? Has he Promised ? What happened to Scrooge ?


Analysis of the characters in stories by typical language.

Main heroes

What they say



1”I have to pay you a whole day’s”

Wages for no work. He says Humbug”

2”That’s an excuse for picking a man’s Pocket”.

3 Leave it alone Much good may it do you.

1 cold, interested in money.

2 not care for his employee.


1”I’m too cold to write so I warm myself on the candle.”

2” I want a day off at Christmas”

3 Those who are badly off must go there

poor, modest and careful.


“There are many things that do me good without bringing in profit”

kind and helpful.


He always says “Ho,ho,ho.”

make others happy


Choose the best answers

1.Christmas is traditionally celebrated on . 答案:B

A. December 24 B. December 25 C. December 30 D. December 31

2.Which of the following is not true according to the dialogue? 答案:A

A. The business is now owned by Scrooge and his partner, Marley.

B. Marley died on December 24th.

C. The gentleman tried to persuade Mr Scrooge to do something good for the poor.

D .Many thousands of people don’t have enough money to keep themselves warm.

3.Ebenezer Scrooge is . 答案:D

A. a warm-hearted boss B. a lazy kind boss

C. a hospitable boss D. a greedy ungenerous boss

4.According to the dialogue,which of the following sentences is right? 答案:C

A. Nothing happened when the clock struck one.

B. Scrooge’s eyes were wet because he had a cold.

C. The girl who used to love Scrooge has married another man.

D. Scrooge,a kind old man is always commenting on everything by saying “Humbug”.

5.In the sentence,“He is cold, mean and selfish old man ”,“mean” is . 答案:D

A.有技巧的 B.心情不好的 C.普通的 D.吝啬的

6.From the dialogue, we can infer . 答案:C

A. Fred helps Scrooge become a helpful man

B. everyone does wish Ebenzer Scrooge a merry Christmas

C. Ebenzer scrooge corrects his mistakes and makes a fresh start

D. Scrooge’s partner, Marley died at Christmas

7.The main factor that makes Mr Scrooge change his mind is that . 答案:A

A. he feels afraid the bad thing will happen to him in the future

B. he regrets what he did in the past

C. he is moved by what Santa Claus says

D. he loses his fortune and becomes a poor man himself

8.What can’t be concluded from the passage? 答案:D

A. People usually have turkey for Christmas.

B. The place they live in is cold in winter.

C. Bob is quite astonished Scrooge’s generousness.

D. All the poor people can enjoy a merry Christmas now.

9.According to Fred,Christmas is the day of the year when people . 答案:D

A. think of the past and look forward to the future

B. put valuable things in their pockets

C. have dinner together

D. show kindness to people and help others

10.Mr Scrooge is reluctant to open his heart to the poor because . 答案:D

A. there are plenty of prisons in the world

B. he is poor himself

C. the union work houses can help the poor

D. he only cares about his own business and never shows kindness to others

Judge the following sentences True or false

1.It was cold in scrooge’s office and Bob had to warm himself over the candles. T

2. Scrooge was willing to let Bob have a day off because it would be Christmas the next day. F

3. Scrooge was invited by his niece and he accepted happily. F

4. A gentleman arrived at Scrooge’s office because he wanted to collected money for the poor. T

5. Scrooge didn’t want to give the poor any money because he was poor himself. F

6. According to the dialogue, in Scrooge’s dream he met his old friend ------Jacob Marley. F

Answer the following questions

1How does Ebenezer Scrooge treat people Working for him?

He was cold ,mean and only interested in profit and money. He didn’t care for his employers. He

often asked them to work without a rest, even at Christmas eve.

2 What is the typical of Ebenezer?

He was a mean, hard, selfish old business man. He often said “Humbug” He cared for nothing but money.

3 What was the true spirit of Christmas according to Fred?

He thought it is to do sth good to others and opened his heart to think of others.

4 Scrooge’s last visitor said he was connected with his welfare. What does this sentence mean?

He was raising money to help the poor. He hoped That Scrooge gave some money to help the poor.

Fill in the blanks according the passage

It was the day before Christmas and the weather was terrible . Bob wanted to have a day off in order to have a good Christmas dinner but his boss , Scrooge, who was cold , mean and only interested in making money didn’t allow him to do so at first. Scrooge’s nephew--- Fred wanted to invite Scrooge to attend their Christmas dinner but he was refused . A gentleman who wanted bo connect some money for the poor was also turned down by Scrooge. At last when all the others left Scrooge had a dream , in which he Santa Claus

Integrating Skills

Divide the play into 3 parts. Try to find out what caused Scrooge to turn over a new leaf.

Find out something about the first scene

Place:_ The place where Scrooge live once lived. The time when Scrooge was young.

Time: Young scrooge and his girlfriend. The girl wanted to be separated from Scrooge

Characters: Scrooge cared nothing except money

Event: He felt very uneasy.


In the second scene, Scrooge saw the Christmas party held in Bob Cratchit’s houses. Judge the following sentences True of False .

1.In the dream it was Christmas Eve and the Cratchits were having a Christmas dinner. T

2. In the dream Tiny was ill but his father couldn’t afford the medicine for him. T

3. These things really happened to the Cratchits. F

4. On seeing the scene Scrooge wanted to change his life. T

5. Scrooge ordered a big Christmas tree for the cratchits’. F

Scene 3

From here we say the Scrooge turned over a new leaf. How did Bob Cratchit feel when he saw Scrooge and his turkey ? D

A. Satisfied B. Interested C. Angry D. Surprised

He hadn’t expected that Scrooge would be so generous


care for 喜爱;照顾

in the race to do sth. 在做某事的竞赛中

put on 穿上

so far 至此

at this festive season of the year 在一年中喜庆的季节

close up (尤指暂时)关闭;使靠近

leave alone 不管;随…去

toast to 干杯

date back to 追溯到(过去的某个时间)

on the contrary 相反

have an eye for 关注;能判断;能欣赏

want/have a day off / ask for a day’s leave 请一天假

pick a man’s pocket掏某人口袋

leave sb alone别管他

do good to sb对某人有好处

bring in profit带来利润

be in want/need of急需

afford to do sth供得起

be badly off穷困

believe in信任某人

admit doing sth承认做了某事

want all day off

open one’s hearts freely

this very night

be concerned with

display one’s deep sympathy

an immediate success

comment on everything

as follows

take one’s place

twice the size of

harmony with others

高三课件 篇10

1、adapt v.


(1)How do these insects adapt themselves to new environments?

(2)You can adapt this fabric for anything from divers' suits to gloves.

(3)Many children buy books after they have been adapted for television.


A. 改造;改装 B. 改编;改写 C. 适应;适合

(1)C (2)A (3)B

adapt oneself to…使自己适应或习惯于……

adapt to 适应

adapt sth. for sth. 改造;改装(以适应新用途、新情况)

adapt…from…根据……改写 / 改编

adaptable adj. 适应力强的;适用面广的

adaptation n. 适应; 改编; 改造

adapt / adjust / fit / suit / match



You should adapt yourself to the new environment.


You can't see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes.


The shoes fit me well.


No dish suits all tastes.


A red jacket doesn't match green trousers.


(1)The play is adapted from a Michael Crichton novel.

(2)This teaching material can be adapted for older children.

(3)When you go to a new country, you must adapt yourself to new customs.

1、adapt v.

2、conduct n. & vt.


(1)We are conducting a

survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food.

(2)Non-metals such as wood, glass and plastic cannot conduct heat easily.

(3)The orchestra is conducted by John Williams.

(4)“I can't scold your cheating on the examination,” said a father to his son. “But I'm glad that you conduct_yourself honestly next time. ”

(5)Why has his fellow students' conduct changed towards Marty?


A. (乐队)指挥 B. 为人;表现C. 导(电、热)

D. 实施;进行E. 行为

(1)D (2)C (3)A (4)B (5)E

conduct a survey / investigation 进行调查

conduct oneself 表现

conductive adj. 具有传导性的

conductor n. (乐队)指挥;(公共汽车上的)售票员


Yesterday our chemistry teacher(1) conducted an experiment on wood to see whether it is (2) conductive, after the experiment we drew a conclusion that wood is a poor (3) conductor of heat.

3、congratulate vt.


(1)She congratulated me warmly on my exam results.

(2)I congratulate myself on my good fortune.


A. 祝贺;向……道喜B. (因某事)为……感到高兴

(1)A (2)B

congratulate sb. on sth. / congratulate sb. for doing(having done)sth. 祝贺某人做了某事 congratulate oneself on sth. / congratulate oneself for doing / having done sth. 庆幸自己做了某事

congratulation n. 恭喜;祝贺 (常用复数)

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your marriage. 谨以至诚祝贺你们喜结良缘。

congratulate / celebrate



congratulate意思是“祝贺,道贺”,只能用人作宾语,若要表明所祝贺的事情,后面要用on (upon)连接,构成congratulate sb. on / upon sth.

We congratulated her on winning the contest.

I will congratulate you on / upon your success.

celebrate意思是举行仪式、典礼的“庆祝”,只能用事(节日、胜利、成功等)作宾语,构成celebrate sth.

We had a party to celebrate parents' silver wedding.

They will celebrate your birthday next week.



We congratulated him on having come first in his exam.


Please give / pass her my congratulations when you see her.

4、access n.&v.


(1)Only 40% of 5-year-olds have access to preschool education.

(2)There is easy access to the countryside by rail.

(3)Bank customers can access their checking accounts instantly through the electronic system.


A. 通道;入口 B. (使用某物或接近某人的)权利;机会 C.接近,利用

(1)B (2)A (3)C

have / get / obtain / gain access to…拥有……的机会;可以接近;进入

give access to接近;准许进入

accessible adj. 可接近的;可进入的;可使用的

be accessible to…可接近的,可靠近的;可使用的

access (to) / approach (to)

access to


The only access to that farmhouse is across the fields.


Students must have access to good resources.

approach to


Soldiers were guarding all approaches to the palace.


We need a fresh approach to sports in education.


( )(1)For professional athletes, __________ to the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter the history books.

A. appeal B. attachment C. access D. approach

( )(2)The people living here are __________ to the swimming pool.

A. predictable B. possible C. accessible D. due

5、in other words 换句话说


I soon found that the work I was doing had been done by other people — in_other_words,_I'm wasting my time.


keep one‘s word 遵守诺言

break one's word 失信,食言

eat one‘s words 承认说错了话 get in a word插话

leave word留言 have a word with sb. 与某人谈一谈

have words with sb. (about sth. )(为某事)与某人争吵

in a / one word简言之;总之

beyond words无法用言语表达

with these words说完这些话

word came that…有消息传来说……

sb. sent word that…某人传来消息……

Word came that our duties would be changed.


He sent word by an army messenger that they had arrived in Jakarta. 他通过通信兵传送消息说他们已经达到雅加达。

in other words / I mean

in other words 换句话说,也就是说(尤指转向更简单的说法)

He decided to quit the job. In other words, he had to find another job instead.

I mean我是说 (用于补充评论或解释刚说过的话或原因)

We couldn't live on that! I mean, it is ridiculous.


(1)Nack is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent; in a / one word, I can't speak too highly of him.

(2)I cannot trust him any more because he did not keep his word.

(3)With these words,he left the room hurriedly.

(4)Beethoven wrote many world-famous musical compositions.In other words, he was a great musician.

(5)You also can leave word online, we really appreciate your proposal.

6、out of breath 上气不接下气


After climbing that long flight of stairs she was completely out_of_breath. 爬完那么长的一段楼梯后,她已经完全喘不过气来了。

out of sight看不见 out of control失控

out of date过期,过时 out of order出毛病;混乱

out of work失业 out of patience不能忍受

out of question没问题;无疑;毫无疑问

out of the question不可能的;办不到的

out of fashion过时,不流行

out of reach够不着 out of touch失去联系

out of place不适合 out of cash钱用光了

用out of 的相关短语填空

(1)The Ford car went out of control and crashed over the cliff.

(2)Some popular songs go out of fashion / date (过时)soon.

(3)This medicine is out of order (出毛病).

(4)Hardly had I opened the door when he rushed into the office out of breath (上气不接下气).

( ) 1. (2009?浙江)The good thing about children is that they ______ very easily to new environments.

A. adapt B. appeal

C. attach D. apply

…but I am very outgoing and have learned to _adapt_to my disability.(P2)

A 本题考查动词词义辨析。句意为:孩子们的一个很好的优势就是他们很容易适应新的环境。adapt to适应;appeal to呼吁;attach to附属于;apply to向……申请。

( ) 2. (2010?全国Ⅰ)With Father's Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank ______ presents for my dad.

A. buy B. to buy

C. buying D. to have bought

I have to work hard to_live_a_normal_life but it has been worth it.(P2)

B 动词不定式作目的状语。根据选项此题考查非谓语动词。题干中空格划在名词后,但是空格后的部分不是对

(3)This medicine is out of order (出毛病).

(4)Hardly had I opened the door when he rushed into the office out of breath (上气不接下气).

( ) 1. (2009?浙江)The good thing about children is that they ______ very easily to new environments.

A. adapt B. appeal

C. attach D. apply

…but I am very outgoing and have learned to _adapt_to my disability.(P2)

A 本题考查动词词义辨析。句意为:孩子们的一个很好的优势就是他们很容易适应新的环境。adapt to适应;appeal to呼吁;attach to附属于;apply to向……申请。

( ) 2. (2010?全国Ⅰ)With Father's Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank ______ presents for my dad.

A. buy B. to buy

C. buying D. to have bought

I have to work hard to_live_a_normal_life but it has been worth it.(P2)

B 动词不定式作目的状语。根据选项此题考查非谓语动词。题干中空格划在名词后,但是空格后的部分不是对

高三课件 篇11

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语

acquisition, correction, data, patience, stick, acquire, instruct, adopt, face, awful, academic, anxious, appropriate, make sense of, distinguish … from ,be equipped with, adjust itself to, be born with, regardless of, consider… put… to use, take risks/a risk, contribute to, take patience

b. 重点句型

Learning a language is obviously more than just memorizing words, phrases and structures.

If we develop our study skills, … but can in fact be twice as easy and a lot of fun.

2. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help the Ss learn how to talk about the different methods of learning a foreign language and the characteristics of the successful language learners.

Teaching important points 教学重点

Analyse the organization of the text.

The understanding of the reading text about the problems and factors related to learning a foreign language.

Teaching methods 教学方法

Listening and intensive reading with the aid of the computer courseware.

Teaching aids 教具

A computer, a projector and Internet.

Teaching procedure & ways 教学过程与方法

Step1: Lead-in

1. What’s our mother tongue?

2. What’s our foreign language?

3. Which do you think is harder ?

Step 2: Skimming

1. If we develop our study skills and way of Learning, is learning foreign language twice as hard or as easy?

Twice as easy.

2. Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.

Main idea

Para. 1 Learning a language is obviously more than just memorizing words, phrases and structures. It is puzzling how we are able to learn or acquire our mother tongue.

Para. 2 Language experts have different answers to the question.

Para. 3 Learning a foreign language is different from learning one’s mother tongue

Para. 4 Successful language learners share a number of characteristics

Para. 5 By planning and evaluating their learning, successful language learners gain confidence which in turn allows them to enjoy the learning process and learn better and faster.

Para. 6 If we adopt some of the study skills and characteristics described in the text, we will become more successful.

3、What’s the purpose of writing this article?

A. Learning a foreign language is twice as hard as learning our mother tongue.

B. Learning a foreign language is more important than learning our mother tongue.

C. Learning a foreign language is twice as easy if we develop our study skills.

D. In fact, the number of people learning a foreign language has increased with years.

4、Match the part with the main idea.

Part1(Para 1~2) differences

Part2(Para 3) successful language learners

Part3(Para 4~6) learning of the mother tongue

Step3: Scanning


1. Answer the questions or do multiple choice.

①What is the most puzzling question in learning our mother tongue?

How were we able to make sense of what we heard and distinguish the mistakes and errors from “good” language?

②How do different people explain our ability to learn our mother tongue?

Some experts explain that we are equipped with a special ability to learn language and our brain adjusts itself to the language, Others think that we learn language in the same way we learn other things and that what we are born with is a general ability to learn and adapt ,not a language –specific part of the brain.

③The sentence “Life is a very successful language school” means .

A. we are equipped with a special ability to learn language

B. the key to learning the language well is to communicate with the people around us

C. parents can give children language lessons

D. people can learn the language by themselves

Language points:

1. make sense of 理解 make sense有意义

make no sense in a sense在某种意义上

Can you __make sense of ___ what I said?

Talking after the accident __makes no sense___.

what he said is reasonable__in a sense_.

2. adjust 调整 adjust / adapt… to适应

1) You shouldn’t adjust your computer without any instruction.

2) He adjusted his errors and continued his research work.

3) When you go to a new country, you must adapt /adjust yourself to new circumstances

3. regardless of : 不管,不顾

The coal boss risked making money regardless of workers’ safety.

They decorated the house regardless of cost.


In fact, we learn English much faster than we may have thought because ________.

A. A lot of people are born with a special ability to learn a foreign language.

B. English learning always takes place in class.

C. Communicating with people often takes too much time.

D. We can get a lot of help and the learning is more efficient.

Language points:

1. in other words换句话说

in a word 总而言之

in word 口头上

with the words 说完就......

have a word with sb. 和某人说句话

have words with sb = quarrel with sb 与…争吵

keep one’s word = keep one’s promise 遵守诺言

Word came that… 有消息传来……

1) With the words, he walked away with a smile.

2) It’s no use promising in word, but in deed.

3) In a word, you are a very good boy.

4) She often depends on others. In other words

she doesn’t do things by herself.

5) I hope you will always keep your word

6) Have a word with Rose and see what she thinks.

7)Word came that our team had come out first.

8)After having words with the boss, he decided to quit the job.

Part 3:

1. If you want to be a successful language learner, what characteristics must you have?

interested in understanding my own thinking;

curious about the world;

willing to take chances ;

confident in my ability;

use different ways of learning ;

plan my studies in order to deal with academic challenges.

2. tick(√)some of the following points that the write thinks are important.

( )1. set a clear goal in learning

( )2. evaluate our learning

( )3. make proper study plans

( )4. have good pronunciation and intonation

( )5.have interest in learning

( )6.understand English grammar

( )7.memorize new words

( )8. be active and patient

( )9. adopt some good study habits

( )10. take risks and put ourselves in new learning situations

( )11.put what we know to better use.

Language points:

1. put…to use : make use of / put...into practice

1) You should put what you have to better use.= You should make better use of what you have.

2) She put her knowledge of German to good use

2. take/ run/ risks 冒险

at any risk无论如何, 无论冒什么危险

at risk = in danger处于危险中

at the risk of ... 冒着…的危险

1) 他冒着生命的危险救了我一命。

He saved my life at the risk of his own/losing his own .

He took risks of his own/losing his own life to save me.

2) 疾病在蔓延, 所有五岁以下的小孩都有危险。

The disease is spreading, and all children under 5 are at risk.

3. adopt vt.

(1) 收养

这对夫妇不能生育孩子, 所以就收养了两个小孩。

The couple couldn’t have children of their own so they adopted a couple of kids.


Circumstances will force us finally to adopt this policy.

The adopted son can’t adapt/adjust himself to the new family


Key phrases

1 acquire a language 1掌握语言

2 communicate with 2与.........交流

3 make sense of sth 3 弄懂

4 distinguish from 4 区分

5 be equipped with 5 装备

6 adjust to 6调整

7 be born with 7天赋

8 regardless of 8 不管

9 as a consequence of/as a result of 9 结果

10 in other words

11have sth in common

12 be curious about

13 take chances

14 be confident in/have confidence in

15 take risks

16 contribute to

17 adopt habits 10 换句话

11 与......有共同处

12 对.......好奇

13 找机会

14 对.........有信心

15 冒险

16 对.........贡献

17 养成习惯

Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks according to the text

1. We learn our mother tongue by _c________________ people around . But how were we able to _s____________ what we heard and _d_________ the mistakes and errors ______ “good” language?

2. Some experts believe that we are _e____________ a special ability to learn language and that our brain _a____________ the language we hear around us. Others think that we learn language in the same way we learn other things.

3. Learning a foreign language is _d_____________ learning one’s mother tongue. Research has shown that successful language learners do_s_____ a few _c____________.

Successful language students gain _c___________ and are able to _r________ and enjoy the learning because they plan and e their learning. And they’re more willing to take r and to place themselves in new learning situations, If we want to be successful language learners, we should try to a some of the study habits described above. If we d our study skills, we may find that learning a foreign language does not have to be t as hard as learning our mother tongue.

Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the right form of words and expressions according to the hints given.

1. We learnt or a our mother tongue by communicating with the people around us.

2. The stronger the m ,the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.

3. successful language learners also use different ways of learning and plan their studies in order to deal a challenges.

4. Successful language students gain confidence and are able to relax and enjoy learning by planning and e their learning.

5. To live one year in a foreign country is enough to b your horizons and improve your understanding of the world.

6. Studying abroad have both advantages and d .

7. The problem is really difficult and is above my c .

8. The resolution was a by a vote of 180 in favour to 10 against it.

9. It is very important that you find an a course for you in a local school in the country you live in.

10. Many parents worry about the safety of their children in a foreign country and may also be c about the cost.


11. I always when I come across a new word in

reading.(have trouble)

12. It is puzzling how we are able to what we


13. It is interesting to know how people the mistakes and errors______

“good” language. (differ; tell)

14. Some people believe that our brain the language of the culture we are born in. (adapt to)

15. , active learners do better in areas such as reading comprehension, vocabulary learning and writing. (as a result)

16. Confident learners are willing to and to place themselves in a new learning situation. (take adventure)

17. There are a few important factors that the learning abilty of the learners. (lead to)

18. It to learn a language for any learner. (patient)

19. , we saw a boy rushing from behind the comer and he was hit by a running car.(suddenly)

20. As an exchange student, you have to learn to yourself. (rely on)

Step 5 Homework

1.Word study Exx1&2 in language Study on page 68&69.

2.Vocabulary Exx1&2 in the Wb on page203&204.

高三课件 篇12

Step1 New words

1 avoid vt 避免,逃避

尽量避免危险/事故 Try to avoid ___________________

avoid doing sth

The schoolboy tried to avoid meeting with his teacher(与老师碰面).

2 contact n contact with sb / sth 接触 联系

get into contact with sb make contact with sb

be in contact with sb lose/ break contact with

他的手接触到了热的物体表面 His hand came into _______ ______ a hot surface.

Students must be brought ______ ______ _______ new ideas.

contact vt 联系 Where can I contact you?

3 lean forward / back / to the left / to the right

lean out of the window ________________

lean against/on sth

a ladder leans ________ the wall / lean the ladder ________ the wall

4 ahead of 位置/时间

在我们前面有条河。 There was a river _______ _____ us.

我提前十分钟到了。I arrived ten minutes ______ ______ time.

5 manage -- control 控制,管理,经营

The hotel is badly managed.

manage to do sth 设法做到= succeed in doing sth

was able to do sth

我及时赶到了。I ______ ______ ______ (get) there in time.

It's such a big cake. I don't think I can manage it by myself.(吃掉)

6 vary These coats vary in size /color.

vary form ... to ... The weather sometimes vary _____ very cold ______ quite mild.

vary with ... The price varied ______ the season. _____________

7 crazy be crazy about 对….狂热

The boy is crazy about the singer.

8 part vt/vi 分开,分离 n 部分

The policemen parted the crowd. ____________________

Only a part of his story is true. _____________________

9 tear down (tear tore torn) 拆毁,拆卸

A story moved us to tears(眼泪)

They are tearing down these old houses to build a new office building.

Tear sth up / tear sth into pieces / tear sth from /off sth /

10 bend

The branch bent but didn’t broke when the baby climbed along it.

Bend over / bend to

Don’t bend your knees ___ your enemy.

She was bending ____ a basin.

11 hold up / hold on /

hold up 举起,拿起/举起展示;提出(作榜样)/阻碍或延误

Hold up (打电话时用语)请等一下,不要挂上/坚持

His son was held ___ as a model of hard work.

Road works on the high way are holding __ traffic.

Could you hold ___? I'll just see if the manager's in.

The student held ___ his hand to ask the teacher a question.

They managed to hold ___ until he arrived.

12 occur

Sth occur=Sth happen 发生

They said that the accident occurred / happened at midnight.

Sth occur to sb 某人突然想到 Sth happened to sb

我想到了一个好主意。 _________________________

You look unhappy. What __________ to you?

It occurred to sb that…/ to do sth.某人想起要做某事。

Didn’t it occur to you to close the window?

Sb happened to do sth____________ /It happened that ______________

13 get through 通过,完成,到达 / go through

They managed to ____ the bill through Congress.

The thieves were ________ _________ the contents of the bag.

Step2 Fill in the blanks

avoid / contact / manage / vary / part

occur / bend… to … / bend / … occur to / go crazy with

1 You can hardly _______ meeting her because you both work in the same office.

2 A number of changes _________ in the following years.

3 She _________ the money very well.

4 You should ______ your diet.

5 She _____ _______ ______ fear.

6 Touch your toes without _________ your knees.

7 He had to ______ himself ___ his father's will.

8 She has lost ________ with her son.

9 It ______ ___ me that we should go there more often.

10 The crowd _______and let us through.

Step3 Translate

1 请尽可能地避免错误。

2 学生们必须和先进的科学技术保持联系。

3 我提前一小时到了。

4 他终于完成了他的任务。

5 一开始,工程师不得不拆卸掉机器。

6 这辆卡车堵塞了交通。

7 小张突然想去喝杯饮料。

8 我碰巧认识路。

高三课件 篇13


I. Brief statements Based on the Unit 2

II. Teaching Goals 2

III. Teaching Plan: (Six Periods) 2

Warming up &Reading 3

Listening and Speaking 6

Integrating skills (WB) listening (WB) 7


Integrating skills SB 19



I. Brief statements Based on the Unit

This unit mainly talks about inventions and what qualities we should have to create new things.. All the activities, including Warming up, Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing, focus on this topic. Through this topic, the students not only get more information about inventions, but also learn what to do to develop creativity.

In addition, the students can learn some useful language points through the materials provided in each part, especially a lot of words and phrases, which are very helpful for the students to build up vocabulary about inventions. The Grammar-the attributive clause is also important. The given materials and exercises give the students an opportunity to learn grammar by using it. It not only helps the students learn to give definitions to new things, but also reviews this part of the grammar as a whole.

All of the activities are helpful for the students to improve their knowledge about language and their skills to use language.

II. Teaching Goals

1. Talk about inventions.

2. Practise describing inventions.

3. Review the Attributive Clause.

4. Write a process essay..

III. Teaching Plan: (Six Periods)

Period 1&2: warming up and reading

Period3: listening and speaking

Period4: integrating skills (WB) and listening (WB)

period5: Grammar

period6: integrating skills(SB)

Warming up &Reading


To learn some basic knowledge about inventions in the 20th century which have changed our modern life so much..

Get the students to grasp the main idea of the passage and help them to understand the passage better.

Help the students to learn to be more creative.

Learn some useful words and expressions.


I. Warming up

1. Lead-in

Show pictures of four great inventions of ancient China.

Say: Talking of inventions, we couldn’t help thinking of four great inventions of ancient China. Can you mention them? What are they?

China has a history of 5000 years. In history, four great inventions stand out in the hall of glory, which we are most proud of. They are the compass, paper, printing and gunpower. It shows that China led the world for centuries in science and technology in ancient times.

2. Brainstorming

Show pictures of inventions in the 20th century which have changed our modern life so much.

Say: What inventions can you think of which are invented in the last century?

In the first twenty years:

In the 1920s:

In the 1930s:

In the 1940s and50s:

In the 1960s to 80s:

In the last ten years of the century:


Q1: What are the functions of the inventions?

Q2: Are there any disadvantages of these inventions? If so, what are they?

Q3: Do you like all these inventions? Why or why not?

Q4: Have you ever heard of any inventors? Who are they?


Individual work: Is there anything you would like to invent? If so, what and why?

Practice: Match each picture with the correct description below.

5. Discussion:

1) Which of these “inventions” do you think would be useful? Why?

2) Are there any disadvantages in them? If so, what and why?

3) What can we do to improve them?

4) What can we do after inventing new things?


Step 1 Lead-in

1) What do you think “high tech” means?

2) What do you think “state of the art” means?

Which one in the three pictures “is state of art”?

3) Can you think of any other “state of art”?

4 ) How did people make them? Did people make them by accident?

Step2 Reading

1 Skimming

1) Are some people born creative, or is it be possible to be creative?

2) Do you have to be very intelligent to be an inventor?

3) How do people come up with ideas for new inventions? How many ways are mentioned?

2 Scanning【M.fZ76.coM 工作计划之家】

Get the students to read the passage more carefully to carry out the following tasks:

1) Find out the meaning of each way.

2) Do some exercises, according to each way.

Think outside the box:

A plane crashed. Why nobody in the plane was injured?

When we cut a corner from a square-shaped desk with four corners, how many corners are left?

Why can a frog jump higher than a tree?

Take another look at it: Analyze some pictures.

Make connections: Some inventions made with connections

Keep trying: Some famous scientists that kept trying and succeeded.

3 True or False.

4 Deal with language points.

1) be born+ adj./n.

He was born blind.

She was born a singer.

2) come up with

Can scientists come up with ways of predicting tsunami(海啸)?

3) allow for

We must allow for the bus being late.

4) get/be stuck

The car got stuck in the mud.

5) break away from

Taiwan is part of China. It can’t break away from China.

6 be aware of/that-clause

Are you aware of your mistake?

She became aware that something was burning.

Step4 Post-reading

1 The following examples have been fixed up. Can you place them in the right titles of the passage?

1) According to Leonardo da Vinci, problems which had seemed impossible could be solved if he changed the way he described the problem.

2) Thomas Edison made a rule saying that he had to make an invention every ten days.

3) Mozart, who lived in Austria, wrote more than 600 pieces of music.

4) Einstein, who changed the world of physics forever with his Theory of Relativity, preferred

images of numbers.

3) Samuel Moorse, the man who invented the telegraph, got his idea by watching a rider exchange a tired horse for a new one.

2 How do you understand the title of the passage?

3 What other rules should you have if you want to be creative?

4 Of all the rules above, which one do you think is the most important? Why?

Step5 Homework

Write a passage to tell what rules you should have if you want to be creative, which one is the

most important and explain the reasons.

Listening and speaking


To enable students to know how to protect the patent rights and what an invention should be like..

Improve the speaking ability.

Practise supporting an opinion.

Have a better understanding of intellectual property rights.

Teaching Procedures:

I. Listening (SB)

1. Pre-listening: Go through the questions in Part1 and ask Ss what we should do to protect our patent rights

2. While-listening: Listen to the tape and finish exercises in Part1&2.

Check the answers at last.

3. Post-listening: Discussion:

What should a new thing be like in order to be given a patent?


Step 1 Warming-up

1.With the development of the technology, our society has greatly changed. Have a discussion:

1). What advantages have cars brought us?

(convenient, travel fast, supply more posts, …)

2). What benefits have we got from computers?

(get more information, make communication easier, develop economy …)

2. What do you think of the inventor?

(Make the Ss aware of the importance of knowledge and try to learn harder.

3. Suppose you have invented an inflatable bike, what should you do?

State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) (国家知识产权保护局)

apply for a patent

pay attention to the time limit of a patent

Step 2 Speaking

1. The patent officer will ask you some questions. Think over what questions will be asked?

1) How does you invention work?

2) Why are they useful?

3) What does it look like?

4) How much does it cost?

5) How do people use it?

… …

2. Now you are in the patent office and want to apply for a patent. Look at P38. Suppose you are one of the inventors, make a dialogue with a partner. One is the inventor and the other is the patent officer.


( I-inventor; P --- Patent officer)

P: Now, please explain how your inventions work and why they are useful. Your invention is a car that uses water instead of petrol, isn’t it?

A: Yes, that’s right.

P: What does it look like?

A: It looks like an ordinary car. Here’s the picture. Please have a look.

P: Oh, it looks beautiful. What’s it made of?

A: It’s made of a new kind of alloy, which is much lighter.

P: Does it cost more?

A:A little bit. But it can save much more energy, so lots of money is saved. Besides, there is something even more important. It is good for our environment. It doesn’t pollute the air.

P: Sounds great. Thank you.

Step 4 Homework

1. Discuss: What qualities should one have to be an inventor to create new things.

2. Preview the integrating skills WB

3. Learn the new words of this unit by heart.

Integrating skills (WB) listening (WB)


Learn a reading passage to improve the students’ reading ability.

Introduce more cool inventions

Listening practice to improve the students’ listening ability

Teaching Procedures:

Integrating skills WB

Step 1 Revision

Say : What are the Four Great Inventions of ancient


As modern men, we are so used to so many inventions that we do not realize how much they have changed our lives. Eyeglasses and sewing machine are two examples. Another, and perhaps more obvious, example is television, which has so altered our way of life that we just cannot imagine what our life would be like without it.

What kind of modern invention do you know?

Step 2 Fast-reading

Group project

Reading the passage in your WB, Then discuss with your group members to complete the chart below with the information from the text

inventions Possible uses

Invisible paint 1,interesting clothes

2,Help doctors see through the skin/hide things

Tiny robot help doctors operate on people in a safer and less painful way


Say: In our reading text, it describes new inventions and ideas. Some already exist and others may be come reality within 20 ,I will show you more inventions


Every invention can be of great value .But it is an easy thing to make an invention.Everybody, I think have the answer. Before an invention, inventor must have an idea, then make experiments again and again .perhaps making many errors and at last gain success. Remember success comes from failure. Any invention also experiences many hardships.

Discuss: What qualities should one have to be an inventor?

Listening WB

Step 1 pre-listening

George Stephenson ,a famous British inventors, made the first train, using a steam engine in 1825

Step 2 Listen to part1 of the tape .choose the best answers.

Step 3 Most great inventors often meet with a lot of trouble in their work. Listen to part 2


Finish WB Vocabulary

Preview grammar:

Grammar: The attributive clause

Teaching Aim:

1. Revise the Attributive Clause, including the Restrictive Clause and the Non-restrictive Clause.

2. Revise the use of relative pronouns and relative adverbs.

3. Tell the differences between the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses, the attributive clause & the emphasis structure, and the attributive clause & the appositive clause

Teaching Important Point:

The usage of relative pronouns and adverbs

Teaching Difficult Point:

Help the students to master the way of choosing a relative pronoun or a elative adverb correctly, telling the differences between the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses, the attributive clause & the emphasis structure, and the attributive clause & the appositive clause

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Greetings.

Step 2: Revision and lead-in

1) He is a famous scientist.

2) Who’s that girl in red?

3) I’ve read all the books that you lent me.

4) I have lost my pen, which I like very much.

T: Now look at the sentences on the screen. Pay special attention to the underlined parts. Is there anything in common between them?

S: Yes. They all identify the nouns, which are used with them. Each part tells us which thing or person the speaker is talking about.

T: That is to say, the function of each underlined part is the same. Each of them is used as an attributive to describe each noun. Well, are there any differences between them?

S: Yes. In he 1st sentence, the attribute is an adjective and put before the noun; the 2nd is a prepositional phrase put after the noun; the 3rd and 4th sentences are full sentences put after them.

T: You are right, what do we call the sentences put after them?

S: The Attributive Clause.

T: Quite right. In a complex sentence, the clause modifying a noun or a pronoun in the main clause is called an Attributive Clause. The noun or pronoun is called Antecedent. The word that/which introduces the clause (between the noun/pronoun and the clause) is called Relative Pronoun or Relative Adverb. The relative pronouns or adverbs do 2 jobs at once. They can be used as subjects, objects, attributes or adverbials in the clause; at the same time, they join clauses together. About the use of them, we’ll have particular revision after a while. The attributive clause the restrictive attributive clause

the non-restrictive attributive clause

The adjective clause noun/pronoun + the attributive clause

the antecedent (person/thing) the relative pronouns/adverbs + clause

Now look at the sentences on the screen. Do complete the sentences with suitable relatives.

1) I know the reason why he came late.

2) Do you know the woman, whose son went to college last year?

3) The house whose color is red is John’s.

4) This is the best film that I’ve ever seen.

5) That’s the town where he worked in 1987.

6) I have 2 brothers, who are both soldiers.

7) Next week, which you’ll spend in your hometown, is coming.

8) I’ve tried 2 pairs of shoes, neither of which fits me well.

Step 3: Summarize the Use of the relative pronouns and relative adverbs.

The use of the relative pronouns

Form 1:

The relative pronouns Referring to Function in the clause

Who Person(s) Subject/object

Whom Person(s) Object

That Person(s)/thing(s) Subject/object

Which Thing(s) Subject/object

Whose Person(s)/thing(s) (of whom/which) attributive

The use of the relative adverbs

The relative adverbs Referring to Function in the clause

When (=at/in/on which) Time Adverbial of time

Where (=in/at which) Place Adverbial of place

Why (=for which) Reason Adverbial of reason


1) Pay more attention to the agreement between the verb and the antecedent in person and number in the attributive clause, and then complete the sentences:

⑴ Those who want to go to the cinema must be at the school gate by 3:30 p.m. (want)

⑵ Te who doesn’t reach the great wall is not a true man. (not reach)

⑶ The is the only one of the girls who has been to Beijing. (have)

⑷ He is one of the boys who have seen the film. (have)

Conclusion 1:

1) When a relative pronoun is used as a subject in the clause, the verb must agree with the antecedent in person and number.

2) When the antecedent is the structure “one of +n. (pl.)”, the verb in the clause must be plural, agrees with the plural form. However, if there is “the” or “the only very” before “one”, the verb in the clause must be singular, agrees with the word “one”.

2) Practice: complete the following sentences with suitable relatives:

(1) The time when/that I went to Tokyo is in 1982.

(2) I’ll never forget the time which/that I spent at college.

(3) The shop which/that I bought the book in is big.

(4) The shop where/in which I bought the book is big.

Conclusion 2: when the antecedent is a noun for time or place “when “or “where” is not always used to introduce the clause. It depends on the function of the relative word in the clause.

3) The difference between “that” and “which”.

Complete the following sentences with “that” or “which”.

(1) This is the 2nd article that I have written in English.

(2) It is the best film that he has ever seen.

(3) This is the very book that I want to read.

(4) All that they told me surprised me.

(5) They talked about the teachers and schools that they had visited.

(6) Who is the comrade that was there?

(7) There is a bed in the room that is still vacant.

(8) Our village is no longer the place that it used to be.

(9) He paid the boy $10 for washing the windows, most of which hadn’t been cleaned at least a year.

(10) The weather turned out to be very good, which was more than we could expect.

(11) The clever boy made a hole in the wall, through which he could see what was going on inside the house.

Conclusion 3:

1)when the antecedent refers to thing(s), “that” is often used in the following cases:

(1) after ordinal number and superlatives

(2) after the following words: all, only, little, few, much, very, none, last, just, any(thing), every(thing), some(thing), no(thing).

(3) after two or more antecedents, referring to both person(s) and thing(s).

(4) after interrogative pronouns “which” or “who”.

(5) When the relative pronoun is used as a predictive in the clause.

(6) When the main clause begins with “there be “.

2) In the following cases, “which” is always used.

①After prepositions

②to introduce a non-restrictive attributive clause.

③The whole main sentence is the “antecedent” of the relative clause, and there is always a comma.

More exercises:

Fill in the blanks with suitable relatives to complete the following sentences.

1) Tell me the reason why you were late for class.

2) Who is the girl that is speaking there?

3) This is Mr. Smith, who has something interesting to tell you.

4) The computer whose CPU doesn’t work has to be repaired.

5) This kind of computer, which is well-known, is out of date.

6) This is just the place that I’ve been longing to visit for years.

7) His mother is an engineer, which makes him very proud.

8) The old man has 4 sons, three of whom are doctors

Step 4: The attributive clause and the appositive clause


同位语从句前面的名词只能是idea, fact, news, hope, belief, suggestion. proposal, word, thought, doubt, truth, possibility, promise, order等表示抽象意义的名词。而定语从句的先行词可以是名词、代词、主句的一部分或整个主句。如:

We are looking into the question whether he is worth trusting.


Word came that he had gone abroad.


The doctor whom you are looking for is in the room.

你找的那位医生在房间里面。(定语从句,名词the doctor作先行词)

Our team has won the game, which makes us very happy.


His mother did all she could to help him with his study.





The news that our team has won the game is true.


The news (that) he told me yesterday is true.

昨天他告诉我的那个消息是真的。(定语从句,that 从句作定语修饰news)

I made a promise that if anyone set me free, I would make him very rich.


The mother made a promise that pleased all her children.


三、从引导词及其在句子中的成份上区别有些引导词如how, whether, what可以引导同位语从句,但不能引导定语从句。如:

That question whether we need it has not been considered.


I have no idea what has happened to him.



The order that we (should) send a few people to help the other groups was received yesterday.


The order (that) we received yesterday was that we (should) send a few people to help the other groups.


Step 5: The attributive clause and the emphasis structure

强调句型的句式结构为:“It is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who从句”。在强调时间、地点、原因或方式状语时,一律用that,而不用when, why或how;在强调主语和宾语时,如果主语和宾语指代人,则可用who和whom来代替that, 但是从句中的人称和数要与被强调的主语和宾语保持一致。这些都容易与定语从句混淆。

定语从句和强调句型的判断方法:若将句中的“It is/was”和“that/who”去掉,而句子不缺成分,结构完整,说明原句是强调句型;若句子结构不完整,则说明原句为定语从句。

1) It was not until 1920 ____ regular radio broadcasts began. (1995高考卷)

A. while B. which C. that D. since

2) ____ was his kindness that everyone praised him.

A. It B. What C. So D. Such

3) It is the ability to do the job ____ matters not where you come from or what you are. (2000高考卷) A. one B. that C. what D. it

4) It was ____ he came to Macao ____ he knew what kind of place it was.

A. that; when B. until; that C. not until; when D. not until; that

5) ____ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

A. There B. This C. That D. It

6) It was not until we came back from outside ____ out of his bed.

A. did he get B. when he got C. that he got D. then he got

7) When was it ____ you met him in the library?

A. where B. that C. in which D. which

8) It was near the place ____ there is a bomb ____ we found the dead man.

A. where; where B. where; that C. that; where D. that; that

Keys: 1)C; 2)A; 3)B; 4)D; 5)D; 6)C; 7)B; 8)B;

Step 6: Homework

Review the Attributive Clause and finish all the grammar exercises in the workbook.

Integrating skills SB


Learn a reading passage to improve the students’ reading ability.

Do some writing prac

高三课件 篇14

一、 说教学内容


二、 说学生现况


三、 说教学目的




四、 说教学重点、难点



五、 说教学方法


六、 说教学过程


















【课堂小结】 检查教学目标的.落实

1、错因归纳 2、知识建构、方法建构




奶奶作文 02-24


异地情人节短句 02-24


办公室主任工作总结 02-24


我的梦想象作文 02-24


弹力课件 02-24


化学必修课件 必修课件 12-25


委托运输合同 委托合同 02-24


学生考试检讨书 考试检讨书 02-24


高三备战复习计划 高三复习计划 02-03


道路运输安全应急预案 道路运输应急预案 02-24


旅游文明标语 文明标语 02-24
