
趣祝福 · 好词佳句 · 游遍世界各地句子


1. I want to see the world with my own eyes. 我想用自己的眼睛看遍全世界。

2. Traveling is the best education. 旅行是最好的教育。

3. The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page. 世界是一本书,不旅行的人只读了其中一页。

4. You can travel the world, but you can never escape from yourself. 你可以环游世界,但你永远无法逃离自己。

5. To travel is to take a journey into yourself. 旅行是一次自我发现之旅。

6. Adventure awaits, go explore the world. 冒险在等待,去探索世界。

7. I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list. 我还没有去过所有地方,但它们都在我的名单上。

8. Travel far enough, you meet yourself. 旅行远到足够的地方,你会遇见真正的自己。

9. The world is full of wonderful things to see and do. 世界上有许多美妙的事情等着我们去看和做。

10. Traveling broadens the mind. 旅行可以开阔你的思维。

11. Our world is worth exploring. 我们的世界值得探索。

12. Traveling is the antidote to ignorance. 旅行是对无知的解药。

13. Life is short and the world is wide, go explore it. 人生苦短,世界如此宽广,去探索吧。

14. Traveling teaches us that the world is a beautiful and diverse place. 旅行教会我们,世界是一个美丽而多样的地方。

15. Seeing the world is one of life's greatest pleasures. 看到世界是人生最大的快乐之一。

16. To travel is to live. 旅行就是生活。

17. The world is a magical place, go explore it. 世界是一个神奇的地方,去探索吧。

18. Traveling is the only thing you buy that makes you richer. 旅行是唯一能让你更富有的投资。

19. Don't listen to what they say, go see for yourself. 不要听别人说的,自己去看看。

20. The best way to know the world is to taste, smell and feel it. 了解世界最好的方式是品尝、闻到和感受它。

21. The world is a big place, go explore it with an open mind. 世界很大,带着一个开放的心态去探索它。

22. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open. 如果我们敞开心扉去寻找,冒险的机会永无止境。

23. We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us. 我们旅行不是为了逃避生活,而是为了让生活不落于我们身后。

24. Our planet is full of amazing places waiting to be discovered. 我们的星球充满了美妙的地方等待着我们去发现。

25. Traveling is not just about seeing new places, but also about feeling new emotions. 旅行不仅是看见新的地方,更是感受新的情感。

26. The world is a canvas, and it's up to us to paint it with our experiences. 世界就像一块画布,我们可以用自己的经历来为它涂鸦。

27. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 千里之行始于足下。

28. Traveling is a journey into the unknown. 旅行是一次踏入未知世界的行动。

29. The world is full of surprises, don't miss out on them. 世界上充满了意外,不要错过它们。

30. Every journey is a new beginning. 每一次旅行都是一个新的开始。

31. The world is an open book, go read it. 世界是一本敞开的书,去读它吧。

32. The best education you can ever get is traveling. 旅行是你能够得到的最好的教育。

33. Traveling is living in the moment. 旅行是活在当下。

34. The world is too big to stay in one place, go explore it. 世界太大,不要待在一个地方,去探索它。

35. We travel not to escape reality, but to experience it more fully. 我们旅行不是为了逃避现实,而是为了更加充实地体验它。

36. Every place has a story, go explore its history. 每个地方都有一段故事,去探索它的历史吧。

37. The world is a classroom, go learn from it. 世界是一间教室,去从中学习吧。

38. Traveling is the best way to create memories that will last a lifetime. 旅行是创造一生中都难忘的记忆的最佳方式。

39. The world is full of wonder, go discover it. 世界充满了奇妙之处,去发掘它们吧。

40. Traveling is a passport to new adventures. 旅行是开启全新冒险的通行证。

41. The world is a beautiful place, go see it. 世界是一个美丽的地方,去看看吧。

42. Traveling is the best way to find yourself. 旅行是找到真正自己的最佳方式。

43. The world is full of magic, go explore it. 世界充满了魔力,去探索它吧。

44. Traveling is not just about going far away, but also about coming back with a new perspective. 旅行不仅是关于前往远方,更是关于带着新的视角归来。

45. The world is a playground, go have fun in it. 世界是一个游乐园,去玩得尽兴吧。

46. Traveling is an investment in yourself. 旅行是对自己的投资。

47. The world is full of colors, go make your life colorful. 世界充满了色彩,去用它们来丰富你的生命吧。

48. Traveling is the best medicine for the soul. 旅行是治疗灵魂的良药。

49. The world is full of beauty, go discover it. 世界充满了美丽,去发现它吧。

50. Traveling is the journey of a lifetime. 旅行是一生的旅程。

51. The world is an adventure waiting for you. 世界是等待你去冒险的地方。

52. Traveling is food for the soul. 旅行是灵魂的养料。

53. The world is your oyster, go explore it. 世界就像你的海蛎,去探索它吧。

54. Traveling is an escape from the ordinary. 旅行是逃离平凡的方式。

55. The world is full of history, go explore it. 世界充满了历史,去探索它吧。

56. Traveling is the best way to create new memories. 旅行是创造新记忆的最佳方式。

57. The world is full of surprises, go expect the unexpected. 世界充满了惊喜,去期待意外豁然开朗的一刻吧。

58. Traveling is the best way to broaden your horizons. 旅行是开阔你视野的最佳方式。

59. The world is full of love, go spread it. 世界充满了爱,去传递它吧。

60. Traveling is a way of life. 旅行是一种生活方式。

61. The world is full of culture, go immerse yourself in it. 世界充满了文化,去沉浸其中吧。

62. Traveling is the best cure for a restless soul. 旅行是治愈不安灵魂的最佳良药。

63. The world is full of opportunities, go seize them. 世界充满了机会,去抓住它们吧。

64. Traveling is an adventure, not a vacation. 旅行是一次冒险,而非一次假期。

65. The world is full of magic, go believe in it. 世界充满了魔力,去相信它吧。

66. Traveling is a way of discovering the beauty of life. 旅行是认识生命之美的一种方式。

67. The world is full of light, go shine your own. 世界充满了光芒,去照亮你自己吧。

68. Traveling is the best way to overcome your fears. 旅行是克服你恐惧的最佳方式。

69. The world is full of wisdom, go learn from it. 世界充满了智慧,去从中学习吧。

70. Traveling is the best way to discover your true self. 旅行是发现真正的自己的最佳方式。

71. The world is full of possibilities, go chase your dreams. 世界充满了可能性,去追逐你的梦想吧。

72. Traveling is the best way to get lost and find yourself at the same time. 旅行是一次迷失和找到自己并存的经历。

73. The world is full of adventure, go embark on it. 世界充满了冒险,去启航吧。

74. Traveling is a way of connecting with the world. 旅行是与世界相互联系的一种方式。

75. The world is full of beauty, go capture it. 世界充满了美丽,去捕捉它吧。

76. Traveling is the best way to create unforgettable memories. 旅行是创造难忘回忆的最佳方式。

77. The world is full of wonder, go be amazed by it. 世界充满了奇妙,去惊叹它吧。



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