
趣祝福 · 劳动节祝福语 · 劳动节英文句子




1、may this labor day be a day of rest and relaxation for all those who have worked hard throughout the year.

2、the early bird catches the worm.

3、"on labor day, many families gather together for barbecues and picnics to enjoy the last days of summer." - 在劳动节这一天,许多家庭聚在一起烧烤野餐,享受夏

劳动创造了美,劳动是人类生存的本能。五一劳动节是为了更好地了解劳动的真谛。五一劳动节来临之际,我们可以了解一些劳动祝福语,那么怎样写劳动节祝福语才能避免踩雷呢?或许"关于劳动节的英文句子"是你正在寻找的内容, 欢迎你阅读与收藏。

1、work is the glorious duty of every able-bodied citizen.

2、may day is a gas station, fill up the body for you!

3、if you could choose labor successfully, and put all his spirit pouring into it, then happiness will find you。

4、get up early three days and get to work.

5、without labour

labor is hard, fruit is sweet; without hard work, there is no sweet fruit.~~还有哪些类似于此的句子?以下由趣祝福编辑收集整理的《title》,欢迎收藏本网站,继续关注我们的更新!

1、labor makes people to establish confidence in his intellectual power。

2、he who rises at dawn is not afraid of dew and wet feet.

3、work at ordinary times busy, crazy shopping before may 1. not empty hands full, treat yourself never miss!

4、tomorrow is may day. we are g

是劳动,让我们的生活变的多姿多彩。五一劳动节是具有悠久历史的节日之一。在劳动节到来的时候我们可以为劳动人民准备一份祝福,那么你所知道的劳动节祝福语都是什么样子的呢?你可以读一下栏目小编整理的五一劳动节的短句子英文, 仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。


1、everything depends on a mouth to do and have no man of action, are false and hypocritical。

2、to foster ability must continue to do, and must improve the learning method, at any time to improve the learning efficiency, will succeed。

3、still at work, labor da
