
趣祝福 · 端午节祝福语 · 端午节英文句子

Xiangbao are often made of silk and filled with herbs such as lavender or mint.~~这些句子文案你喜欢吗?下面是栏目小编为你精心整理的“有关端午节的英文句子”,供大家借鉴和使用,希望大家分享!

1、Hanging up fragrant herbs is believed to ward off evil and bring good luck.

2、Many people also decorate their homes with beautiful paper crafts and make colorful dragon boats as a symbol of good fortune and protection.


4、Another tradition is dragon boat racing, which is held all across China during Duanwu.

5、Get your dragon boat ready, practice your paddling, and you might win the race on this festival.

6、In some areas of China, people also observe the festival by flying kites in the shape of dragons or racing small toy boats.

7、The traditional dragon boat races involve teams competing to paddle their boat to the beat of a drum, with the fastest team declared the winner.

8、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to connect with nature, as people gather by the water's edge to watch the dragon boat races and to enjoy the beauty of the natural world around them.


10、Many people eat rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival.

11、The festival is a time to reflect on the importance of teamwork and cooperation.

12、Traditionally, the Dragon Boat Festival is a time to ward off evil spirits, with activities such as making loud noises, burning incense and hanging up the Qixi tree.

13、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to enjoy dragon dances and lion dances.

14、The festival is also celebrated in other parts of Asia, including Vietnam and Korea.

15、The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. 端午节在农历五月五日。

16、Happy Dragon Boat Festival, don’t forget to be safe while travelling and participating in racing events.

17、The festival is a time to pay respect to ancestors and ward off evil spirits.

18、The festival has spread beyond Asia and is now celebrated in many other parts of the world.


20、In some parts of China, people also hang a picture of Zhong Kui, a mythological figure known for protecting against evil spirits, during the Dragon Boat Festival.

21、The festival is typically a time of joy and celebration, and is often marked by music, dance, and other festive activities.

22、Dragon boat racing is a team sport that requires coordination and strength.【m.sq158.CoM 申请书范文网】

23、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time when people also engage in spiritual practices like meditation and prayer. - 端午节也是人们进行冥想和祈祷等精神实践的时候。

24、Drinking realgar wine on this festival is a long-standing tradition, but remember to drink responsibly.

25、The Dragon Boat Festival commemorates the death of poet and government minister Qu Yuan.

26、The festival is also associated with various activities and rituals, such as the cleansing of ancestral graves and the burning of incense offerings.

27、The festival is a time for people to reconnect with their cultural roots.



30、Xiangbao are often made of silk and filled with herbs such as lavender or mint.



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