
趣祝福 · 国庆节祝福语 · 国庆节英文祝福语

小编为了解决您的问题认真整理了国庆节英语祝福语(合集45句),欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。Wish: everything goes well and everything comes true! 祝:万事大吉,心想事成,我想,一年中您最翘首以盼的节日就是国庆节了。可以安排在这个小长期去心仪的景点好好玩一下。


1、Divine advancement,and national prosperity;shan magnificent years emerged;jiangshan not old changchun motherland!on the occasion of china"s national day,i wish our great motherland will never prosper,to the best of luck,healthy life with you! 神州奋起,国家繁荣;山河壮丽,岁月峥嵘;江山不老,祖国常春!值此国庆佳节,祝愿我们伟大的祖国永远繁荣昌盛,也愿好运、健康伴你一生!

2、National Day mid autumn reunion, family and friends together, lovers and lovers together, you and I he together, together for tomorrow better and get together! 国庆中秋相聚,亲朋好友相聚,情人恋人相聚,你我他相聚,大家一起为明天更好而相聚吧!

3、Heaven is the highest, sea is the deepest, flower is the most fragrant, wine is the most mellow, dream is the most beautiful, you are the best, blessing is the most sincere: happy National Day! 天是最高的,海是最深的,花是最香的,酒是最醇的,梦是最美的,你是最棒的,祝福是最真诚的:国庆快乐!

4、Happy National Day, happy seven days! 国庆节快乐,七天乐翻天!

5、I put all the blessings of plug in this message, in celebrate this day, to your side, I wish you a happy life, together with our motherland is thriving! 我把所有的祝福都塞在这条短信里,在这普天同庆的日子里,送到你的身边,愿你生活幸福,与我们的祖国一起蒸蒸日上!

6、There is a happy from the bottom of my heart overflow, there is a kind of happiness, my soul there is a kind of sweet as sugar like honey, have a kind of love. There is a mother's birthday today, happy birthday to our motherland! 有一种快乐从心底溢出,有一种幸福发自肺腑,有一种甘甜如糖似蜜,有一种有爱恋不离不弃。有一个母亲今天过生日,祝我们的祖国生日快乐!

7、Whereas the inspire you spicy warm sunshine; Filar silk cool breeze gives you zi zi; Streaming shower wash your abrasive dust; I wish I just greeting to you frequently good luck! 缕缕的阳光激励你辣辣的热情;丝丝的微风赋予你滋滋的凉爽;淋淋的细雨冲刷你粒粒的尘埃;但愿我短短的祝福带给你频频的好运!

8、Golden earth always has golden fragrance; golden fields always have golden harvest; golden sky always has golden wings; golden autumn always has golden melody. Golden Autumn and October are celebrating the National Day. Happy to you! 金色的泥土,总有金色的芬芳;金色的田园,总有金色的收获;金色的天空,总有金色的翅膀;金色的秋天,总有金色的旋律。金秋十月迎国庆,祝你开心!

9、On National Day, Grey Wolf wants to enjoy the festival, boiling enthusiasm, warm friendship, beautiful mood, lazy time, why can't eat sheep. And I think very simply to wish you a happy National Day! 国庆节,灰太狼想喜洋洋的节日,沸洋洋的热情,暖洋洋的情谊,美洋洋的心情,懒洋洋的时光,为什么吃不到羊。而我想的很简单愿你国庆节快乐!

10、October is high and cloudy, autumn is sunny, maple leaves are red, and mountains are full of trees. The streets and lanes are full of happiness, the fireworks in Southeast and northwest are bright, and the National Day is full of smiles. I sincerely wish you happiness and safety. 十月天高云淡,秋日阳光灿烂,喜庆枫叶红遍,千山层林尽染。大街小巷快乐弥漫,东南西北烟火璀璨,国庆佳节绽放笑颜,衷心祝您幸福平安。

11、National Day seven tianle, National Day for seven days. Friends: a 62 birthday of our great motherland, national celebration, and the day of jubilation. Together, let us raise your glass, in order to better in the future of the motherland! 国庆七天乐,国庆乐七天。朋友们:我们伟大的祖国迎来了62华诞,举国同庆,万家欢腾的日子。让我们共同举起酒杯,为了祖国的美好将来干杯!

12、wish our great motherland prosperity and good luck and good health. 祝愿我们伟大的祖国永远繁荣昌盛,也愿好运、健康伴你一生!

13、September has passed the beginning of October, the National Day holiday grief. Friends, colleagues and things, not sweet reunion, leaving me alone, blank in front of the computer! Send a text message freely, wishing you a distant family member, 11 happy! 九月已过十月初,国庆大假苦忧愁。朋友同事各东西,不是甜蜜便团聚,只剩孤独我一人,对着电脑空发呆!顺手发条短信息,预祝远方亲人你,十一快乐!

14、National Day, happy to talk to you, happy smiles open; happiness find you hand in hand, fortune boundless; auspicious to meet you, everything is auspicious; carefree to find you travel, comfortable infinite; friends send you blessings, happy National Day! 国庆了,开心找你谈心,喜笑颜开;幸福找你牵手,福气无边;吉祥找你碰头,万事大吉;逍遥找你旅游,惬意无限;朋友送你祝福,国庆开怀!

15、Friends, the people across the country to celebrate the birthday of the motherland, where you expect to spend this rare holiday? I walk out together with it, to see so many Concubine Jiangshan, Zheyaoshan countless heroes do。 朋友,在全国人民欢庆祖国生日之际,你想到哪里去度过这难得假期呢?跟我一起出去走走吧,“看江山如此多娇,令无数英雄尽折腰。”

16、wish you a lot of happiness. I wish you a lot of money in the golden week. 愿你喜事不断,向黄金周要一些财气,愿你财富连连,国庆节快乐!

17、Family affairs, state affairs, everything goes well; you celebrate everyone's day, celebrate all the world, travel all over the country most want to mother, travel all over the world most want to motherland. 家事国事天下事,事事顺心;你庆我庆大家庆,普天同庆,走遍祖国最想母亲,走遍世界最想祖国。

18、 May your family be happy and happy! 愿你家庭美满,快乐无限!

19、wish you a happy National Day and happiness! 祝国庆节快乐,幸福常在!

20、The National Day is coming. Send my best wishes in advance. May you be happy. 国庆佳节就要到了,提前送上我的祝福,愿你幸福快乐。

21、Bless the great motherland and become more prosperous. Bless the people of our motherland. Bless you, my pocket expands day by day, bless our lovers health and beauty. 祝福伟大的祖国更加强盛,祝福祖国的人民天天向上。祝福你我口袋日见膨胀,祝福我们的爱人健康漂亮。

22、Wish: everything goes well and everything comes true! 祝:万事大吉,心想事成!

23、Just sent off the smiling face of Mid Autumn Festival, and ushered in the joy of National Day! Wish you happiness and happiness forever under the double Jubilation! 刚刚送走了中秋的笑脸,又迎来了国庆的喜悦!愿你在这双重喜庆的包围下永远幸福、快乐!


24、dare not say that my best wishes are the fastest, but they must be the most sincere and handsome. I wish you happiness, health, peace and happiness. Wish you a happy National Day in advance! 不敢说我的祝福最好最快,但肯定最诚最帅。贴心送上关怀,祝你红火多财,健康安泰,快乐自在。提前祝你国庆快乐!

25、It's the national day again. In this day of national celebration, I hope you will be happy and happy forever. Happy National Day! 又到国庆节了,在这举国欢庆的日子里,希望你快乐如夕,永远幸福。国庆节快乐!

26、National Day gives you a happy continent, planted everywhere with lucky trees, sweet dates are ripening, the fields harvest auspicious grain, colorful birds dancing, with happy notes in their mouths, voices wish you health and happiness. 国庆国庆举国同庆,祝你与爱人相亲相敬,实现理想奋进不停,平安健康阳光心情,生活美满事业长兴,幸福大道一片光明!

27、wish you a happy National Day and a happy mood! 祝你国庆愉快,心情愉快!

28、Every day is a new sun, igniting new hope in my heart; every day has a new dream, I hope you will always be happy and healthy, every day is a new blessing, I wish you a happy National Day! 每天都是新的太阳,点燃心中新的希望;每天都有新的梦想,但愿你永远幸福安康,每天都是新的祝福,祝你国庆节喜气洋洋!

29、Wish: happy National Day and everything you want! 祝:国庆节快乐,心想事成!

30、May National Day bring you happiness and safety! 祝你国庆安康快乐!

31、You happy smiling face has not yet come down from the Mid-Autumn festival in the festive atmosphere of the flat, the National Day to report good news again! May this festival of melody accompanied with you forever! 你幸福的笑脸还未从中秋节的喜庆气氛中平伏下来,国庆节又来报喜了!愿这样喜庆连连的旋律永远与你相伴!

32、Today is National Day. I wish you every happy day, every happy day, every happy hour, every moment safe, every minute wonderful, every second happy. Finally, you have to smile forever and have a happy National Day! 今天是国庆节,我祝你在这七天长假里,天天快乐、日日开心、时时幸福、刻刻平安、分分精彩、秒秒欢畅,最后还要永远微笑,国庆快乐!

33、wish you a happy National Day and good health! 祝你国庆愉快,身体健康!

34、Osmanthus fragrance the festival, warehouse full, in golden October holiday seven tianle, 11 National Day wish your family happiness, friend is healthy! 桂花飘香佳节到,金秋十月仓斗满,长假七天乐翻天,十一国庆愿你家人幸福,朋友康健!

35、May your happiness index remain high! Happy National Day! 愿你幸福指数居高不下!国庆快乐!

36、No matter how far away, no matter how many years, let my blessing to the stars, dodges in your life every day! Happy National Day! 不管离多远,不管多少年,愿我的祝福化为繁星点点,闪在你生命的每一天!国庆快乐!

37、◆friends, the people across the country to celebrate the birthday of the motherland, ent. if you would like to be the autumn harvest the fruits and laughter to you forever if blooming flowers. ◇金秋是收获的季节,金秋是诱人的时刻。愿你收获永远如金秋的硕果,愿你欢笑永远如盛开的鲜花。

38、Bless you: National, Jiaqing, people throughout the official sources, financial resources, both ways, popularity, humble, the geopolitical fate, reluctant, wish to cardiac wish. 祝福您:国庆、家庆、普天同庆,官源、财源、左右逢源,人缘、福缘、缘缘不断,情愿、心愿、愿愿随心。

39、Wine, the longer the more alcohol, friends cross the longer true; Water flow more and more clear, the vicissitudes of life more flow more light thing in the world. Two National Day chongyang festival, why don't hobnobbing extent of bashan patter? 酒越久越醇,朋友相交越久越真;水越流越清,世间沧桑越流越淡。国庆重阳两佳节,何不把酒言欢共话巴山夜雨?

40、The sky is blue, the grass is green, and the National Day holiday inspires people. Beautiful mountains, clear water, travel everywhere hand in hand. Tie your belly and buy less clothes. This year's cost is yours! 天蓝蓝,草青青,国庆长假振人心。山秀秀,水清清,携手遍地去旅行。捆肚皮,少买衣,今年费用归你请!

41、National Day, you are happy and happy, happy and beautiful! 国庆佳节,你幸福又开心,快乐又美好!

42、The rush of time, time passes. color is never legs blessing; change is never friendship. i deeply wish you a happy happy day. to this short speech to the national day brings you happiness!  任时光匆匆,岁月流逝。永不腿色的是祝福;永不改变的是友情。我深深的祝福你开心快乐每一天。

43、On National Day, with no flowery rhetoric and no plagiarism of other people's thinking, I only send sincere and simple greetings: God, I hope you bless those who see this message free from danger and live a happy life with my best wishes. 转眼国庆,没有华丽的词藻,不抄袭别人的思考,只送上我真诚的祝福和简单的问好:神啊,希望你保佑这看短信的人平安到老,有我祝福的日子再无烦恼!

44、May you be lively, healthy and happy National Day! 愿你,活泼健康,国庆快乐!

45、National Day, National Day is celebrated all over the world. I wish you a happy holiday in this era of peace and happiness! good health! 国庆国庆普天同庆,祝福你在这个和平幸福的年代里节日快乐!身体健康!


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