
趣祝福 · 范文大全 · 幼儿英语课件




Theme: Animals

Learning objectives:

1. Introduce and recognize different animals in English.

2. Learn the names of body parts of animals.

3. Understand basic facts and characteristics of animals.

4. Develop vocabulary related to animals and their body parts.

5. Practice listening and speaking skills through various activities.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Animals

Warm-up activity:

- Show flashcards of different animals and ask students if they know the names of those animals in English.

- Play an animal guessing game. Describe an animal and have students try to guess the name.


- Introduce the names of different animals using flashcards and pictures.

- Teach the pronunciation and spelling of each animal name.

- Use TPR (Total Physical Response) to help students understand and remember the names. For example, for "cat," the teacher can make cat ears with hands and meow.

Practice activities:

- Play an animal memory game. Show flashcards of animals and have students remember their names. Then, remove the cards and ask students to recall the names.

- Divide students into pairs. Give each pair a picture of an animal and have them describe the animal to their partner. The partner should guess the animal based on the description.

Reinforcement activity:

- Sing the "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" song and have students complete the missing animal and its sound.

- Play a game of "Simon Says" using animal actions. For example, "Simon says jump like a rabbit" or "Simon says swim like a fish."


- Show pictures of different animals and ask students to name them.

- Have students draw and label their favorite animal.

Lesson 2: Animal Body Parts

Warm-up activity:

- Review the names of animals from the previous lesson by showing flashcards and having students recall the names.


- Introduce the names of body parts of animals using flashcards and pictures.

- Teach the pronunciation and spelling of each body part.

- Use TPR and demonstrations to help students understand the meaning of each body part. For example, for "paws," show students how to make cat paw gestures with their hands.

Practice activities:

- Play a game of "What's missing?" Show flashcards of animals with missing body parts and have students guess what is missing.

- Divide students into groups. Give each group a set of animal pictures and body part flashcards. Have them match the correct body part to each animal.

- Sing the "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" song but replace the body parts with animal body parts. For example, "Head, shoulders, paws, tail."

Reinforcement activity:

- Play a game of "Pin the Tail on the Animal." Blindfold a student and have them try to pin the correct animal tail on a poster.

- Create an animal body part matching worksheet and have students complete it individually.


- Show pictures of animals and ask students to identify and label their body parts.

- Have students create a paper animal craft, labeling the body parts.

Lesson 3: Animal Facts and Characteristics

Warm-up activity:

- Have students work in pairs or small groups to create an animal using playdough or art materials. They should think about the characteristics and features of their animal.


- Introduce interesting facts and characteristics of different animals. Use flashcards, pictures, and videos to help illustrate the information.

- Teach related vocabulary and phrases to describe animals' characteristics.

- Encourage students to ask questions about the animals and share any additional facts they know.

Practice activities:

- Divide students into groups and assign each group an animal. Have them research and present interesting facts about their assigned animal to the class.

- Create a "Guess the Animal" game. Provide clues about an animal's characteristics and have students guess the animal.

Reinforcement activity:

- Organize an animal show and tell. Have students bring in a toy or picture of their favorite animal and explain why they like that animal.

- Play a game of "Animal Charades." Students take turns acting out animals while others guess the animal and its characteristic.


- Create a matching worksheet with animal characteristics and have students match them to the correct animal.

- Have students write a short paragraph about their favorite animal, including its characteristics and why they like it.

Note: The above teaching plan is a sample and can be modified according to the specific level, needs, and interests of the students. It is important to incorporate a variety of activities to engage students actively and make learning fun.



2.够较熟练地认读单词:blue,red,yellow,初步理解句子“this is red/yellow/blue/green”.


1.以一首英文歌曲《Roll the ball》引入学习氛围中。


Good morning boys and girls! Good morning teacher !

How are you? I’m fine.Thank you!

How old are you? I’m four years old.

1、导入:出示挂图让幼儿观察挂图中人物正在干什么,引导幼儿说出他们正在画画,导入单元名称:unit2——I’m a painter(我是一个画家)。

2、单词呈现:利用彩色粉笔,介绍颜色。套用句型“this is red/yellow/green/blue”并用这四种颜色的粉笔在黑板上画一朵花。




One finger, one finger, turn, turn, turn, Turn to a pig. Oink Oink Oink

Two fingers, two fingers, turn, turn, turn, Turn to a rabbit. Jump Jump Jump

Three fingers, three fingers, turn, turn, turn, Turn to a cat. Miao Miao Meaw

Four fingers, four fingers, turn, turn, turn, Turn to a dog. Woof Woof Woof

Five fingers, five fingers, turn, turn, turn, Turn to a tiger. Wao Wao wao

1、与单词宝宝告别:教师出示单词卡,幼儿与单词卡说再见“bye-bye red/yellow/blue/green”

2、师幼道别:“Goodbye boys and girls! Goodbye teacher!”




主题:我的家庭(My Family)

Hello, everyone! Today, let's talk about our families. A family is a group of people who love and care for each other. We all have unique and special families. I would like to share with you about my family.

In my family, there are four people. There is my dad, my mom, my little sister, and me. My dad is tall and strong. He is a doctor. He helps people when they are sick. My mom is beautiful and kind. She is a teacher. She teaches young children how to read and write. My little sister is cute and playful. She likes to play with her toys and enjoys painting pictures.

We live in a cozy house with a big garden. In our garden, we have many colorful flowers and green trees. Every morning, we water the flowers and play with our dog. We also have a cat named Lily. She likes to cuddle and purr. She is part of our family, too.

During weekends, we like to do activities together. We often go to the park for a picnic. We bring delicious food and fly kites. Sometimes, we go to the beach. We play in the sand and swim in the sea. We always have so much fun together.

In the evening, we gather in the living room and have dinner. We talk about our day and share stories. After dinner, we may play board games or watch a movie. Before going to bed, my mom and dad tuck my little sister and me in. They read us stories and kiss us goodnight. We feel safe and loved in our family.

I am grateful for my family. They love and support me. They are always there for me when I need help. My family is the best!

In conclusion, a family is a special group of people who love each other and care for each other. In my family, there is my dad, my mom, my little sister, and me. We live in a cozy house with a big garden. We enjoy doing activities together and cherish the time we spend as a family. I am grateful for my family's love and support.



主题:我的家人(My Family)


1. 通过本课的学习,学生能够认识家庭成员的称谓并正确使用;

2. 学会以英语形式介绍自己的家庭成员;

3. 培养学生的家庭观念,增进家庭成员间的沟通与了解。


1. 教学重点:家庭成员的称谓及快速准确运用;

2. 教学难点:以英语形式介绍自己的家庭成员。




Step 1:引入新课 (Introduction)

1. 导入图片,以“谁是家中的第一人?”为题进行讨论,激发学生对话题的兴趣。

2. 播放视频,介绍幼儿英语教材中的主题词汇,如father, mother, brother, sister等。

Step 2:教授新知 (Presentation)

1. 通过图片和卡片的方式,教授家庭成员的称谓。例如,展示父亲的图片,问学生:“Who is he?” 学生齐声回答:“father”。

2. 逐一教授其他家庭成员的称谓,引导学生复习和运用。

Step 3:练习活动 (Practice)

1. 分发家庭成员卡片给学生,并由学生按照家庭的顺序将卡片排列出来。

2. 进行卡片配对游戏,学生彼此交流并说出自己的家庭成员。

3. 学生互相称呼家庭成员,练习使用正确的称谓。

Step 4:合作交流 (Communication)

1. 学生们将自己所携带的家庭成员照片贴到展示板上,介绍自己的家庭成员。

2. 学生进行小组讨论,并以小组报告的方式介绍自己的家庭。

Step 5:拓展延伸 (Extension)

1. 学生跟读幼儿英语教材中有关家庭成员的课文,加深对词汇的理解和记忆。

2. 学生配对练习,编写短对话描述自己的家庭成员,互相表演。






1. 能够认识和掌握天气英语词汇,如sunny(晴天)、cloudy(多云)、 rainy(雨天)等。

2. 能够运用所学天气英语词汇进行简单的对话,询问和回答天气情况。

3. 培养幼儿的观察能力和表达能力。

4. 培养幼儿的合作意识和团队精神。


1. 天气英语词汇的学习。

2. 运用所学词汇进行简单对话。


Step 1:导入新课

1. 利用课件、图片等多媒体资料出示不同天气的图片,如sunny、cloudy、rainy等。

2. 出示并让幼儿模仿课件上的发音(sunny、cloudy、rainy等)。

Step 2:词汇学习

1. 通过图片出示词汇卡片,教授天气英语词汇,让幼儿认读。

2. 引导幼儿形成对于天气英语的初步印象,并进行学习小游戏,比赛谁能记得更多的词汇。

Step 3:情景对话

1. 出示对话图片,在图片中的儿童进行模拟对话示范。

2. 分组让幼儿进行情景对话练习。

Step 4:巩固练习

1. 分发练习卷,让幼儿用所学词汇填空。

2. 给出相关问题,让幼儿口头回答。

Step 5:拓展活动

1. 制作天气图表,让幼儿根据天气情况使用相应的词汇在图表上标记。

2. 分角色扮演,幼儿扮演不同天气的角色进行对话练习。


1. 多媒体资料(课件、图片、音频等)

2. 词汇卡片

3. 练习卷


1. 教学过程中观察幼儿的学习情况,包括识别、理解和运用天气英语的能力。

2. 给幼儿展示他们绘制的天气图表,评价其准确性和对天气英语词汇的运用能力。


1. 在教学中加入了多媒体资料和游戏等元素,以增加幼儿的兴趣。

2. 通过情景对话和角色扮演等活动,提高了幼儿的口语交际能力。

3. 通过制作天气图表等拓展活动,培养了幼儿的观察能力和实践能力。




Title: My Favorite Animal

Subject: English

Grade: Preschool (4-5 years old)

Time: 40 minutes


1. Students will be able to recognize and name different animals in English.

2. Students will understand simple sentences describing animals.

3. Students will be able to express their favorite animal and give reasons.


1. Flashcards with pictures of different animals.

2. Whiteboard and markers.

3. Pencils and paper for students.


1. Warm-up (5 minutes):

- Greet the students and sing the "Hello" song.

- Review previously learned animal vocabulary using flashcards.

- Play a game of "Simon says" with animal actions (e.g., "Simon says hop like a rabbit").

2. Presentation (10 minutes):

- Introduce new animal vocabulary by showing flashcards one by one and asking students to repeat after you (e.g., "elephant").

- Use the flashcards to create simple sentences describing the animals (e.g., "The elephant is big and grey").

- Write the sentences on the whiteboard and ask students to read them out loud.

- Repeat the process with different animals, focusing on adjectives to describe their appearance.

3. Practice (15 minutes):

- Divide the students into pairs.

- Give each pair a set of animal flashcards and ask them to take turns describing the animals to their partner using complete sentences (e.g., "The lion is yellow and has a big mane").

- Circulate around the room to provide support and feedback.

4. Production (10 minutes):

- Have students draw their favorite animal on a piece of paper.

- Ask students to write a simple sentence or two describing their favorite animal using the target vocabulary and adjectives learned in class.

- Allow students to share their drawings and sentences with the class, encouraging them to explain why they chose that animal.

5. Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Review the new animal vocabulary and adjectives by asking students to identify the animals and describe them.

- Sing a goodbye song and dismiss the students.


To extend the lesson, you can:

- Introduce more adjectives to describe animals, such as "fast", "small", or "friendly".

- Play a memory game where students have to remember and name all the animals they have learned so far.

- Create a class book with students' favorite animals and sentences, and keep it in the classroom library for reading time.

By following this lesson plan, preschool students will not only improve their animal vocabulary in English but also practice their speaking and writing skills. It provides a fun and engaging way to learn about animals while encouraging creativity and individual expression.



1.复习单词: red、yellow、blue、green,学习新单词:cry、laugh,初步理解儿歌《cry and laugh》




1.师生问好:Nice to see you! Boys and girls.

Nice to see you! Miss Yu.

2.Now, we’ll go to a garden, Are you ready? Let’s go! 伴着音乐《If you are happy》边走边做动作进场地。


师:How beautiful garden!闻闻并做出很香感觉的表情。Oh, very good!边说边围着花园坐下来。引导幼儿伴着老师欣赏花园的动作坐下来。

师:What color are flowers in the garden?

幼:red 、blue 、yellow、 green。

师:Do you like the flowers?



师:Follow me! Cry, cry. Don’t cry. 边念边做动作,念一遍,扶起一棵树。(配班老师马上偷偷给树换上笑脸)依次扶起四棵小树。




3 .现在花园更美了,今后我们应怎样对待花草、树、木呢?应爱护他,千万不要损害他们。瞧,他们笑得多漂亮!Laugh、laugh,beautiful laugh!边表扬树的笑容,边念。对着每棵树念一遍。

4, 说说是cry,还是laugh好看,(laugh)那么今后要少哭,尽量不哭,多笑,做一个坚强的孩子。Now, Let’s play a game!《Cry and Laugh!》







1. 通过本课的学习,幼儿能够认识到家庭是一个由父母和孩子组成的组织。

2. 通过涉及家庭成员、家庭活动和家庭作息的活动,培养幼儿的交流和合作能力。

3. 通过课堂上的互动小组活动和讨论,培养幼儿的团队合作和自信心。


1. 家庭成员的介绍:爸爸、妈妈、哥哥、姐姐、弟弟、妹妹。

2. 家庭活动:吃饭、洗澡、睡觉、看电视、玩游戏等。

3. 家庭作息:早上起床、上学、下午放学、晚上睡觉等。


1. 启蒙活动


2. 重点词汇教学


3. 重点句型教学

教师使用图片展示不同的家庭活动,例如一家人一起吃饭、一起洗澡等,然后引导幼儿说出相应的句子,例如“This is my family. We eat together.”等。

4. 拓展活动



(3)家庭问答游戏:教师准备一些问题,例如“Who is your father?”, “What do you do after school?”, “What do you like to do with your family?”等,让幼儿回答,并互相提问。


1. 家庭成员画画:幼儿使用颜料、纸张等材料,画出自己的家庭成员。

2. 家庭相册制作:幼儿带来家庭成员的照片,老师引导幼儿制作一个家庭相册,用来展示和分享自己的家庭。






English language has become a global necessity in the current world. It is therefore, necessary to teach young children this language since it is easy for them to learn it at an early age. The teaching of English language to young children should be done in a way that is interactive, interesting and also easy to understand. In this article, we will look at how to develop a good English curriculum for young children, the importance of creating an interactive learning environment and how to evaluate the progress made.

Developing a Good English Curriculum for Young Children

A good English curriculum for young children should be age appropriate, teaching them basic vocabulary and grammar. The curriculum should have a balanced mix of reading, writing, speaking, and listening activities. It should be designed to cater to a range of learning styles and abilities. The curriculum should include rhymes, songs, stories, reading books, puzzles, games and hand-on activities. These activities should be designed to engage young children in a fun and interactive way.

Importance of Creating an Interactive Learning Environment

Young children learn through play. The learning environment should be designed to be interactive and fun. The use of visual aids such as pictures, charts and drawings is one creative way of capturing children’s attention. The environment should be colorful, organized and should have a variety of age-appropriate learning materials. Children should be given room to explore and learn in their own way. The use of simple English sentences and phrases when communicating with young children is important in creating an interactive environment.

Evaluating Progress

It is important to evaluate the progress of the children. This can be done through various methods such as observations, assessments, quizzes and exams. Observations should be made regularly to identify areas where the children need more help. Assessments should be carried out to help evaluate the children's progress and performance. Quizzes and exams can also be used as evaluation tools. These should be designed to be age-appropriate, and not cause anxiety or pressure on the young children.


Teaching young children English requires a lot of patience, creativity and dedication. A good English curriculum should be age-appropriate, interactive and engaging. Creating an interactive learning environment enhances the learning process for young children, and evaluation tools are important in the overall learning process. Young children should be given a firm foundation in English as they grow up, as it is essential in their future learning and development.



主题:My Family(我的家庭)


1. 学会向他人介绍自己的家庭情况。

2. 掌握描述家庭成员特点的词汇和句型。

3. 培养爱家庭、爱家人、关心他人的意识。


1. 学会正确使用家庭成员的词汇。

2. 根据所学词汇和句型进行简单的句子描述。


1. 学会描述家庭成员的特点。

2. 用英语简单地询问和回答家庭成员的情况。




Step 1: Warm-up

1. Let's sing a song "My Family"

2. T: Do you have a family? Can you tell me something about your family? (学生回答)

T: How many people are there in your family?

T: Who are they?

T: What are their names?

T: What do they do?

T: Do you love your family members?

Step 2: Presentation

1. T: Look, here is a picture of my family. Let me introduce them to you. This is my father. His name is Mike. He is a doctor. He is tall and strong. He likes playing basketball. And this is my mother. Her name is Mary. She is a teacher. She is kind and beautiful. She likes cooking. I love my parents very much. What about you? Can you introduce your family members to your friends?

2. 教师以相似的方式介绍学生自己的家人给全班:My mother/father/brother/sister…… His/Her name is…… He/She is…… He/She likes…… Do you love your family members?

Step 3: Listening and Speaking

1. T: Now let's listen to a dialogue about Lily's family. Please listen carefully and choose the correct pictures. (播放录音)

2. T: Now tell me what you have heard. Who are Lily’s family members? What are their names? What do they do? What are their hobbies? (学生回答)

3. 小组练习:让学生在小组内互相介绍自己的家庭成员情况。

Step 4: Vocabulary

1. T: Let's learn some vocabulary. (出示图片) father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother

2. T: Now let's read the words together. (学生跟读)

3. T: Can you match the words with the pictures? (学生进行匹配)

Step 5: Grammar

1. T: Now let's learn some sentences to describe family members.

This is my father. He is tall and strong.

My mother is kind and beautiful.

My brother is funny and active.

My sister is cute and smart.

My grandfather is old and wise.

My grandmother is gentle and caring.

2. 教师示范,学生模仿。

Step 6: Reading

1. T: Now let's read a story about Tommy's family. (出示故事书《我的家人》)

2. T: It's your turn to read. Read the story with your partners. (学生分组合作朗读)

3. T: Who can retell the story to me?

Step 7: Speaking

1. T: Let's play a role-play. Please act out a dialogue with your partner.

A: Can you introduce your family members to me?

B: Sure. This is my father…

2. 学生分角色扮演,展示对话。

Step 8: Homework

1. Interview your family members and write a short passage to describe your family. (询问家人的情况,并且用英语写一篇小短文描述自己的家庭。)

2. 课堂作业检查。


My Family

Vocabulary: father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother

Sentences: This is my father. He is tall and strong.

My mother is kind and beautiful.

My brother is funny and active.

My sister is cute and smart.

My grandfather is old and wise.

My grandmother is gentle and caring.




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