
趣祝福 · 好词佳句 · 宣传禁毒标语


1. Say no to drugs! 拒绝毒品!

2. A drug-free life is a better life. 无毒人生更美好。

3. You're stronger than drugs. 你比毒品更坚强。

4. Don't let drugs control your life. 不要让毒品控制你的生命。

5. Drugs destroy lives. 毒品毁掉生命。

6. Choose life, say no to drugs. 选择生命,拒绝毒品。

7. Drugs don't make you cool. 毒品并不让你变得酷。

8. Be smart, don't start. 聪明点,不要沾染。

9. One bad decision can ruin your life. 一次错误决定,毁了整个人生。

10. Drugs are not a solution. 毒品不是解决的方案。

11. Say yes to a healthy life. 拥抱健康生活。

12. Stay drug-free, stay in control. 保持无毒,掌控自己。

13. Don't let drugs be the boss of you. 不要让毒品成为你的老板。

14. Your life is worth more than drugs. 你的生命值得更多。

15. Say no to drugs and yes to your future. 拒绝毒品,为未来点赞。

16. Drugs don't make problems disappear. 毒品不能让问题消失。

17. Only you can choose to be drug-free. 只有你能选择毒品无关。

18. Drugs will destroy your dreams. 毒品将摧毁你的梦想。

19. Don't let drugs take away your potential. 不要让毒品烧掉你的潜力。

20. Drugs are not a sign of strength. 毒品不是力量的象征。

21. Choose a drug-free lifestyle for a happy life. 拥抱无毒生活,过上幸福生活。

22. One pill can kill. 一颗药丸就能致命。

23. Drugs don't make you invincible. 毒品不能让你变得无敌。

24. Say no to drugs, yes to a healthy mind. 拒绝毒品,拥抱健康思维。

25. Don't let drugs ruin your relationships. 不要让毒品毁掉你的亲情。

26. Say no to drugs, yes to self-respect. 拒绝毒品,保持自尊。

27. There are no shortcuts in life. 生命中没有捷径。

28. Stay sober, stay true to yourself. 保持清醒,保持真实。

29. Drugs are not the answer to stress. 毒品不能解决压力问题。

30. Say no to drugs, yes to a clear mind. 拒绝毒品,保持清晰头脑。

31. Your future is brighter without drugs. 你的未来没有毒品更为光明。

32. Drugs don't make problems go away. 毒品并不能让问题转身。

33. You are strong enough to say no to drugs. 你足够坚强拒绝毒品。

34. Say no to drugs, yes to success. 拒绝毒品,赢得成功。

35. A drug-free world is a better world. 无毒的世界是一个更美好的世界。

36. Your health is more important than a high. 你的健康比追求“高”重要得多。

37. Stay drug-free, choose a brighter future. 保持无毒,拥抱更亮的未来。

38. Life is too precious to waste on drugs. 生命太宝贵,不要浪费在毒品上。

39. Say no to drugs, yes to education. 拒绝毒品,追求教育。

40. Drugs are not the way to feel good. 毒品并不是获得快乐的方式。

41. Don't let drugs control your destiny. 不要让毒品掌控你的命运。

42. You don't need drugs to be cool. 没有毒品,你仍然很酷。

43. Say no to drugs, yes to freedom. 拒绝毒品,赢得自由。

44. Drugs are not a game. 毒品可不是用来玩的。

45. Say no to drugs, yes to happiness. 拒绝毒品,享受幸福。

46. Your life is worth more than a drug. 你的生命比回毒品更有价值。

47. Stay drug-free, live life to the fullest. 保持无毒,过上充实人生。

48. Drugs don't make you popular. 毒品并不能让你变得受欢迎。

49. Say no to drugs, yes to self-love. 拒绝毒品,爱自己。

50. Drugs only bring pain and suffering. 毒品只会带来痛苦和苦难。

51. Stay drug-free, stay in control of your life. 保持无毒,掌控自己的生命。

52. Drugs are not a way to escape from problems. 毒品不是逃避问题的方式。

53. Say no to drugs, yes to empowerment. 拒绝毒品,赢得力量。

54. Drugs don't solve problems, they create them. 毒品解决不了问题,只会制造更多问题。

55. You are capable of making a drug-free choice. 你有能力选择无毒的人生。

56. Say no to drugs, yes to confidence. 拒绝毒品,赢得自信。

57. A drug-free life is a true life. 无毒生活才是真正的人生。

58. Drugs don't make you happy. 毒品不能让你感到快乐。

59. Say no to drugs, yes to peace of mind. 拒绝毒品,保持心灵宁静。

60. Drugs are not worth the risk. 毒品不值得冒险。

61. Stay drug-free, be a role model. 保持无毒,成为榜样。

62. Drugs don't make you successful. 毒品不是成功的代表。

63. Say no to drugs, yes to hope. 拒绝毒品,追求希望。

64. There's no shame in saying no to drugs. 拒绝毒品没有任何羞耻之处。

65. Drugs don't make you powerful. 毒品不能让你变得强大。

66. Say no to drugs, yes to true friendships. 拒绝毒品,拥抱真实友谊。

67. A healthy mind and body are better than drugs. 健康的身心比毒品更为重要。

68. Drugs don't lead to happiness. 毒品无法带来真正快乐。

69. Say no to drugs, yes to loving yourself. 拒绝毒品,爱自己。

70. Drugs don't solve problems, they make them worse. 毒品不能解决问题,只会让问题更恶化。

71. A drug-free life leads to a positive life. 无毒人生为积极生活铺就道路。

72. Say no to drugs, yes to a brighter future. 拒绝毒品,拥抱更光明的未来。



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