
趣祝福 · 好词佳句 · 露营经典语录


1. "The fire is the heart of the campsite."(营火是露营的核心。)

2. "The difference between camping and living in the wilderness is the quality of your gear."(露营和在野外生活的区别在于你的装备质量。)

3. "Nature is not a place to visit, it is home."(大自然不是参观的地方,它是家。)

4. "Sleeping under the stars reminds us of how small we really are."(在星空下睡觉让我们想起自己的渺小。)

5. "The best things in life are the people we love, the places we've been, and the memories we've made along the way."(生命中最美好的事情是我们所爱的人,所到过的地方以及一路上所有美好的回忆。)

6. "Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories."(除了足迹,别留下任何东西,只带走回忆。)

7. "The mountains are calling and I must go."(山峰在呼唤,我必须前往。)

8. "Go outside and get some fresh air, it will do wonders for your soul."(出门呼吸新鲜空气,会为你的灵魂带来奇妙。)

9. "Adventure is worthwhile in itself."(冒险本身就值得。)

10. "Life is a journey, make the most of it."(生命是一场旅程,好好利用。)

11. "In the midst of nature, we realize our own insignificance, and the importance of protecting our planet."(身处自然中,我们意识到自己的微不足道,以及保护地球的重要性。)

12. "Camping is not a hobby, it's a way of life."(露营不是一种爱好,它是一种生活方式。)

13. "In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."(在与自然亲近的过程中,我们所收获的远远不止我们所追求的。)

14. "There are no shortcuts to any place worth going."(到任何值得去的地方,都没有捷径可走。)

15. "The best education you will ever get is traveling. Nothing teaches you more than exploring the world and accumulating experiences."(你将获得最好的教育经验是旅行。没有什么比探索世界和积累经验更能教育你。)

16. "The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page."(世界是一本书,而那些不旅行的人只阅读了一页。)

17. "Camping is a chance to live simply and bask in nature's splendor."(露营是一种简单生活和享受自然美妙的机会。)

18. "One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is the gift of adventure."(你能给自己最好的礼物之一就是冒险。)

19. "Life is too short to waste time on things that don't matter."(生命太短暂,不要浪费时间在无关紧要的事情上。)

20. "The best things in life are the people we meet, the memories we make, and the places we visit."(生命中最美好的事情是我们遇到的人,制造的回忆和所访问的地方。)

21. "Camping is not about owning the newest gear, it's about enjoying the outdoors and spending time with loved ones."(露营不是因为拥有最新的装备,而是享受户外和与所爱的人在一起的时光。)

22. "It's not the mountains we conquer, but ourselves."(我们征服的不是山峰而是自己。)

23. "The best way to experience nature is to immerse yourself in it."(感受自然的最好方式是沉浸其中。)

24. "Life is an adventure. Don't be afraid to take risks and explore new paths."(生活就是一场冒险。不要害怕冒险和探索新的道路。)

25. "Some of the most beautiful things worth having in life, are the things that take time and effort to achieve."(生命中那些最美好的事情,往往需要时间和努力去实现。)

26. "Happiness is a campfire, good friends, and a starry sky."(幸福就是营火、好朋友和繁星满天。)

27. "The wilderness is not a luxury, but a necessity of the human spirit."(荒野不是奢侈品,而是人类精神的必需品。)

28. "Camping allows us to live in the moment and forget about the stress of everyday life."(露营让我们活在当下,忘记日常生活的压力。)

29. "The greatest danger in life is not taking the adventure."(生命中最大的危险是不敢冒险。)

30. "The best moments in life are the ones we don't plan for."(生命中最美好的时刻往往是我们没有计划的那些时刻。)

31. "In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take."(最后,我们只会后悔错过的机会。)

32. "Camping is a reminder that simplicity is often the key to happiness."(露营提醒我们,简单就是幸福的关键。)

33. "Traveling is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer."(旅行是你能买到的唯一能让你更富有的东西。)

34. "There is no wifi in the forest, but you will find a better connection."(森林里没有Wifi,但你会找到更好的联系方式。)

35. "Take only memories, leave only footprints."(只带走回忆,只留下足迹。)

36. "Nature always wears the colors of the spirit."(自然总是穿上精神的颜色。)

37. "The only way to catch a train is to miss the one before it."(赶上一班列车的唯一办法是错过前一班。)

38. "The best things in life are free, the second best are very expensive."(生命中最美好的事情是免费的,其次最好的则很昂贵。)

39. "The only thing better than the view from the top, is the journey to get there."(比山顶的景色更美好的是到达那里的旅程。)

40. "Camping is the answer to the longing for simplicity in an overly cluttered life."(露营是在过于杂乱的生活中寻求简单的答案。)

41. "The journey is the reward."(旅程就是奖励。)

42. "The more you know, the less you need."(你知道的越多,你需要的就越少。)

43. "Camping is nature's way of advertising the simple life."(露营是大自然宣传简单生活方式的方式。)

44. "The happiest people in the world are not those who have everything, but those who make the most of the things they have."(世界上最幸福的人不是拥有一切的人,而是充分利用自己所拥有的人。)

45. "Camping is the art of getting closer to nature while still enjoying the comfort of home."(露营是靠近大自然的艺术,同时还能享受家的舒适。)

46. "We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us."(我们旅行不是为了逃避生活,而是为了生活不逃避我们。)

47. "The mountains are my bones, the rivers my veins, the forests are my thoughts, and the stars are my dreams. The ocean is my heart, its pounding is my pulse."(山峰是我的骨头,河流是我的血管,森林是我的思考,星星是我的梦想。海洋是我的心,它的激荡就是我的脉搏。)

48. "There's no bad weather, only inappropriate clothing."(没有什么坏天气,只有不合适的服装。)

49. "Camping is not a date; it's an endurance test. If you can survive camping with someone, you should marry them on the way home."(露营不是约会,而是一场耐力考验。如果你可以与某人一起露营并安全返回,则应该娶他们。)

50. "The wilderness holds answers to questions that we have not yet learned to ask."(荒野提供了我们还没有学会问的问题的答案。)

51. "The more you travel, the more you realize how much of the world you haven't seen."(你旅行的次数越多,就会意识到你还没有看到世界上很多地方。)

52. "Camping is the best way to bond with family and friends, and make memories that will last a lifetime."(和家人和朋友一起露营,制造一生难忘的回忆是最好的方式。)

53. "You don't need a fancy hotel to enjoy your vacation, just a tent and a campfire."(你不需要豪华的酒店来享受假期,只需要一个帐篷和篝火。)

54. "The world is a beautiful place, and it's meant to be explored."(世界是一个美丽的地方,它值得去探索。)

55. "Camping gives you a sense of accomplishment that can't be found anywhere else."(露营让你获得一种在其他任何地方都找不到的成就感。)

56. "Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience."(采取自然的步伐:她的秘密是耐心。)

57. "The only limits in life are the ones you set for yourself."(生命中的唯一限制是自己设定的限制。)

58. "Camping is the therapy for stressed souls longing for a quiet escape in nature."(露营是压力的灵魂在自然中渴望安宁的治疗方式。)

59. "We don't remember days, we remember moments."(我们不记得日子,我们记得时刻。)

60. "Camping is the perfect way to disconnect from technology and reconnect with nature."(露营是与技术断开联系,重新与自然联系的完美方式。)

61. "The world is full of wonder, and camping lets us experience it all firsthand."(世界充满了奇迹,露营让我们第一时间体验到它们。)

62. "I travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape me."(我旅行不是为了逃避生活,而是为了生活不逃避我。)

63. "Camping is a chance to disconnect from the world and reconnect with yourself."(露营是断开与世界的联系,重新与自己联系的机会。)

64. "The more we travel, the richer we become in experiences, knowledge, and friends."(我们旅行的次数越多,我们的经验、知识和朋友就越丰富。)

65. "Camping is like hitting the reset button on life; it gives you a fresh start."(露营就像在生命上按重置按钮,它给你一个新的开始。)

66. "Don't count the memories, make the memories count."(不要数记忆,让记忆有意义。)

67. "We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us."(我们旅行不是为了逃离生活,而是为了生活不逃离我们。)

68. "Camping reminds us that we don't need much to be happy – just the people we love, and the beauty of the world around us."(露营提醒我们,我们不需要太多东西来获得幸福——只需要我们所爱的人和周围世界的美丽。)

69. "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."(我们不是从祖先那里继承了地球,而是从我们的子孙那里借来的。)

70. "Camping is a way to escape the noise and distractions of everyday life and find peace in the simplicity of nature."(露营是一种避开日常生活的噪音和干扰,寻找自然的简单中的平静。)

71. "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."(生活中最伟大的荣耀不在于永不倒下,而在于每次跌倒后重新站起来。)

72. "Camping is where we go to get away from it all, but end up discovering ourselves along the way."(露营是我们去远离一切的地方,但最终发现自己的旅程。)



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