
趣祝福 · 新年祝福语 · 新年祝福英语



步步高升:promoting to a higher position。元旦离我们越来越近了,在这天家人之间也会问候平常不多说的祝福语。按照元旦祝福的要求,语言细腻一点就可以。那么你收集了多少优秀的元旦祝福语?下面,编辑为大家整理的“新年祝福句子短句英语”, 欢迎大家阅读收藏,分享给身边的人!


1、good luck and great success in the coming new year.


3、fresh air, clear you, happy mood envelop you.

4、holiday wish from your son tom.

5、happy savings, good luck in the year of the ox.

6、wish you prosperity



1、spring breeze is proud, show great plans!

2、spring festival is coming, enjoy the happy time and enjoy the happy festival together!

3、wish every year, happy new year, congratulations!



6、wish you a happy new year and always lovely!

7、fireworks and firecrackers are festive and auspicious, and window cut silhouettes are happy.


英语新年祝福语1、wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful new year season.愿你拥有新年所有美好的祝福。

2、peace and love for you at new year from all your students.祝老师新年充满平安和爱。

3、may the new year be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you. best wishes.愿新年不仅是你欢笑的时刻,更是你欣喜的日子。祝福你。

4、i wish you a happy new year. all affection and best wishes to you and yours.以我所有的爱心与真诚祝你及全家圣诞快乐。

5、much joy to you in the

【ing year, lucky。


we offer new year blessings to you。


the most sincere blessings, i wish you a happy new year。


for a happy new year and express my hope for your happiness and good future。


happy every second, is joyful every one day, happy each year, health to forever! happy new year。




2、happy new year, wide financial resources! phoenix has been living in dawu since ancient times. good trees have been used as pillars. we will continue to work hard in the new year.。

3、happy new year! wish you good health in the new year! work smoothly! happy life! have a good mood every day!

4、new year, new starting point, new blessings,

小编为大家整理的《鼠年英语新年祝福语》,希望大家喜欢。 新年祝福语 新年寄语 鼠年祝福语 新年贺词 生日祝福语 结婚祝福语 1. xiao li and ming ming.献上节日的问候上小丽和明明的。 3. a holiday your daughter.愿女儿的祝福带给您欢乐。 6. happy ne and dad: thank you for everything this holiday season!爸爸妈妈:值此佳节,感谢您们所给予的一切。 9. i'll be home to enjoy this christmas me is on the e for the holidays.但愿我能回家共度佳节。 12. thinking of you at ne mark, janet and the kids.马克、珍妮特和孩子们,谨呈最诚挚的祝福。 14. 鼠年未到,


  1、please accept my season's greetings.   请接受我节日的祝贺。

  2、hope you enjoy the happiness of neing year.   祝你在新的一年里身体健康,多福多寿。

  6、may the neings, wishing you a happy new year, your career greater success and your family happiness.   在此新年之际,我同夫人向你及你的家人致以节日的问候,并祝你们新年快乐、事业有成、家庭幸福。

  10、in the season of joy i present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. may the kind of new year outshine all the


  1、ent.   我们不能在一起过春节真是太遗憾了。

  8、a cheery ne all your students.   祝老师新年充满平安和爱。

  14、take your passion and make it come true.   发挥你的热情,让理想变为现实。

  15、ing year. may the es, sms reports; nee.   愿你在未来的一年里,吉星高照。

  30、may you have the best nees it brings good cheer.   新年一年只有一次,但每次来临都带来喜悦。

  32、ing year.   新的一年,向你献上最诚挚的祝福。

  38、much joy to you in the upcoming year.   愿您在新的一年充满快乐。

  39、to ing yea

新年祝福语英文1、i want to wish you longevity and health!愿你健康长寿!

2、wishing you many future successes.祝你今后获得更大成就。

3、may everything beautiful and best be condensed into this card. i sincerely wish you happiness, cheerfulness and success.愿一切最美好的祝福都能用这张贺卡表达,真诚地祝你幸福、快乐、成功!

4、may the season''s joy fill you all the year round.愿节日的愉快伴你一生。

5、season's greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and happy n

1、e at new year and stay with you all the year through。 让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在新年来到你身边,伴你左右。 13、may its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear。 祝福你及你所爱的人新的一年中万事如意。 14、this letter just no ink, between the lines for busy, night lights and star, i hope the undercurrent drips, happy new year good time, total heart feelings surging, wish you happy new year
